My books/screenplays continue where the Da Vinci code left off, the rest of the story, great book, great movie, showing God, Yahweh has a wife, Shekhinah. Queen of heaven, what happens next? where is the rest of the story? Now proof ask questions
    The greatest trick Lucifer ever played on mankind was to convince them, He was their God so they would follow Him no matter what else they may see and hear, They call me a Rebellious Teacher, a pile of books and a holy bible in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other hand , fighting Demons, the religious system and the educational system, trying to teach the Truth to a World that does not want to know the Truth, God does have a wife, she is Shekhinah, Queen of heaven, the holy spirit, the Holy Ghost, the Holy Grail, Jesus did teach re-incarnation, you are in your heaven and hell right now, church's just teach instead of using the word re-incarnation, they say resurrected, which is the same thing, Jesus never worshipped on Sunday, the 1st day of the week, He kept the 7th day Saturday sabbath, Jesus kept the Levitical, kosher food laws, he never ate pork, catfish, or other scavenger foods, Jesus was a Jewish/Hebrew/Rabbi, He was married to Mary Magdalene, they had many children and his bloodline is still available today. We see hundreds of different Christian denominations; all you know is what you were taught, all they can teach you is what they were taught, it is obvious, someone was taught wrong, who gets to decide who is right and who is wrong? Jesus said we were scattered, divided and confused back then and now even more, I am an immortal spirit soul and so are you. I have lived many lifetimes and so have you. every Christian was taught this, but they were taught you only get to live one lifetime, you die and are judged and get to go to a heaven, set in your mansion forever and ever or burn in a fiery hell forever and ever, is that it? only one lifetime? Why would God give you a unique fingerprint that no one else has if you only get to live one lifetime? If you break the law, they will arrest you, then fingerprint you to find out who you are, you will stand before a judge with over a thousand choices to choose from, then were taught as a Christian, you die and stand before the Judge, God with only two choices? Hell, or heaven forever and ever? All my books/screenplays are at under my fingerprint during this lifetime as Melvin Abercrombie, most are already setup as a movie script with lots of special effect scenes and shape shifting scenes, I play an imaginary/fictional multi-billionaire, Rebellious Teacher, who lives in a ten-acre ocean front mansion, with maids, butlers, bodyguards, who travels all over the world doing lecture seminar, already setup as an ongoing movie TV series titled Imagine, each book is a lecture seminar in another city, another state, another country, I am retired, 75,,willing to travel, willing to consider a book/screenplay to movie contract for all of my books/screenplays at, over two hundred, make me an offer, I entered various books/screenplays in various International film festivals all over the world and won 69 awards so far on film freeway, why? Real people are actually reading my books screenplays and wanting to add them to their film festivals, all over the world, I will debate with any Preacher or anybody, anytime, bring your Holy Bible and your version of what you think actually did happen, I do a two hour lecture/seminar anywhere anytime any place for a fair expense from Dallas Texas area, I updated my book/screenplay series to Rebellious Teacher, Knights of Avalon ministry, my information is Melvin Abercrombie, 309 Chelsea drive 3-2, Streetman Texas 75859, my phone number is (430)333-4573, my e-mail is thank you
    • Writer (1 Credit)
      Vampire Goddess
    Best Screenplay award Fingerprint
    Vampire Goddess

    Rome Italy
    Silicon Beach film festival award
    Vampire Goddess

    Hollywood California
    Kirkus review Kirkus Pro connect page
    Vampire Goddess
    Kirkus review
    Kirkus review
    Best Screenplay award
    Vampire Goddess
    Chhatrapti Shivaji International film festival
    Pune India
    High School
    H. Grady Spruce
    Birth Date
    December 29, 1949
    Rebellious Teacher
    Birth City
    Dallas Texas
    Current City
    Eye Color
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    Married To
    single widower
    A Man or a woman are only as good as their word Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
    My books/screenplays continue where the Da Vinci code left off, the rest of the story, great book, great movie, showing God, Yahweh has a wife, Shekhinah. Queen of heaven, what happens next? where is the rest of the story? Now proof ask questions
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