Culture is the basis of the contemporary world
Matteo Marangoni was born in Macerata on 5 July 1974.
Tour operator - cultural (IFTS Specialization Certification) and writer.
He was one of the founding members with the duties of secretary / treasurer of the Rebis cultural association (operating in the theater field, etc.) and of the Forward Agency cultural association (operating in the music field, etc.).
He was also co-organizer-promoter of modern and contemporary art exhibitions, festivals-theatrical performances and collaborator of musical events in Italy.
Lately he collaborates with the Terra dell’Arte cultural association (operating in the contemporary art sector etc. - see the National Poetry Award “Poesie al Mondo” and the Summer Nights Theater, Dance, Music and Poetry Festival), the “San Ginesio” cultural association (operating in the theater field etc. - see events such as the World Day of Poetry and Theater, the Maggio dei Libri, the Sudamericana Festival, Libriamoci, the AMACI Contemporary Day and the Marchestorie Festival) and the European Foundation F.O.R.A.R.T. (as administrative assistant).
For some years he has finally distinguished himself as a writer - author of poems - short stories, also in collaboration with the aforementioned cultural realities, participating in poetry competitions - national short stories, publishing texts, participating in poetry readings - short stories etc.: see the plaquette Testi ed immagini, the texts edited with Aletti Editore, Giulio Perrone Editore, Edizioni Progetto Cultura, ilfilorosso Editore, IL FOGLIO Edizioni, Ludo Edizioni etc., publications in newspapers/TV/Radio, magazines and other sites - blogs off/on line etc. such as La Repubblica di Napoli, Telesia Tv, Radio una voce per un aiuto, Radio Versus, Tm Notizie, Vivere Fermo, Inchiostro, L'Ortica, Satisfiction, Leggere:tutti, Poesia in Azione, The Bookish Explorer, larosainpiu - LIT-TLE blog by Salvatore Sblando, La Locomotiva - Quaderno di poesia, Literary Magazine Mosse di Seppia, Centro Cultural Tina Modotti, LIMINA MUNDI, Poeti Oggi, Euterpe, Leggere Poesia, Le stanze di carta, Calcio alla Poesia, Laboratori poesia - Poesie al Parco, Poesia Ultracontemporanea, Leisure Spot, The Parallel Vision, L’Altrove - Appunti di poesia, The Bid Journal - The Bid Art Space etc. And the successful participation in the Lorenzo Montano Poetry Prize of Verona, the International Literary Prize City of Sassari, at the “Spazi Transitori” and Resilienza Competitions of Circuiti Dinamici in Milan, at the 2018 edition of the National Prize for Poetry Terra di Virgilio of Mantua and the Domenico Ciampoli Prize of Atessa - twitter section - where he was then ranked third place - at the 2019 edition of the “Amilcare Solferini” Literary Competition in Rodallo (metropolitan city of Turin) - where he was then ranked first, at the 2021 edition of the Prima I Lettori Literary Competition in Milan - where it ranked first in the book recommendation section, at the IX Edition of 2020 of Storie da musei, archivi e biblioteche, a traveling competition for short stories and photographs whose award took place in Gradara (Province of Pesaro and Urbino) - 2023 - where it then ranked first in the podcast section, at the Literary Prize Scrivo il tango of Faitango 2022 of Arezzo as a juror - and at Festivals Umbria Art in Terni, La Rocca dei Poeti of Tuscania (Viterbo), at the V International Poetry Festival in Milan, at the IV - V International Poetry Festival of the Casa della Poésie “El Cactus” in Ostuni (Brindisi), at the event “Omeriggiare” pallido e assorto. Poesie nel pomeriggio, eighth literary reading included in the Bookcity Milano 2022 program, organized by the poet and editor Pietro Pancamo, at the event - meeting La Soglia organized by Piccolo Museo della Poesia - Church of San Cristoforo - Piacenza, at the Fringe Arts Bath festival with Poets in capsules by Giovanna Iorio Bath, at the Ecofest Experience Pesaro, at Libro Aperto - Festival of Literature for Children with Impronte Poetiche Baronissi (Salerno), at the International Festival of the arts - Premio Giacinto Gigante Naples, at Chigiana Radioarte VII - Chigiana International Festival Siena. And finally to the projects - cultural initiatives Poesia A Strappo by Alberto Mori of Crema (Cremona), Le tole dele Poesie of Polcenigo (Pordenone), Poesie al balcone of Pisticci (Matera), Poet Magazine - England, ConVersiamo Salotto Letterario - The Anthologies Virtual Poetics by Giuseppe Vetromile of Sant’Anastasia (Naples), of the Cultural Association Poesie Metropolitane of Naples, I Segnalibri of the bookshop - L'Argolibro publishing house of Agropoli (Salerno), Poetry Sound Library - Voice Portraits by Giovanna Iorio United Kingdom, Made in Marche Online of the Amat of Ancona, Festival Ventipertrenta of Terra dell’Arte of Belforte del Chienti (Macerata), Carmina Muralia of Bergamo, WiKiPoesia Poetic Encyclopaedia etc.
Social reference:
Birth Date
July 5, 1974
Culture is the basis of the contemporary world
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