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MAN 2.0 R-EVOLUTION (Series 6x52')

For 4.5 billion years mutation, gene flow and natural selection have driven the evolutionary process and forged life on earth. Today cultural evolution is taking over changing how we live, how we think and how we die. For the first time in history humankind has the knowledge and the tools to intervene directly in its own evolutionary process. The SIX EPISODES DOCUMENTARY TV SERIES investigates the growing role of science in shaping human life.
We meet the most prominent scientists, anthropologists and futurologists to explore the state of the art of the human species: from a genetically modified homo sapiens to homo technologicus and digitalis.
The series explores past and present scenarios and looks at the future, tracing the journey that mankind is making to modify human minds and bodies, as well as the lenght and quality of our lives. This is altogether turning us into a new species: Man 2.0

  • Massimo Brega
    The Age of Robots, Money Art, The Sense of Beauty
  • Massimo Brega
    The Age of Robots, Money Art, The Sense of Beauty
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Television
  • Runtime:
    5 hours 20 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    December 31, 2019
  • Country of Origin:
  • Language:
    English, French
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Distribution Information
    Country: Worldwide
Director Biography - Massimo Brega

Massimo Brega is the Author of The Odyssey.
A photo-reporter and filmmaker specialized in TV documentaries with an international point of view, an exciting storytelling style and high-quality photography, Massimo has been the Author and Director of previous Kepach's factual series The Age of Robots (2014), Money Art (2016) and The Sense of Beauty (2017). Massimo is now working at the production of the new series Man 2.0 in co-production with AB Thematiques France
The Age of Robots, produced in collaboration with RAI, has been selected at the Chinese Sichuan TV Festival and is currently being distributed worldwide and so far acquired by a number of broadcasters like ZDF, Al Jazeera and PBS among others. The Sense of Beauty has aired primetime on Rai and has been acquired by Axess TV Sweden, YLE Finland and RTP Portugal to quote a few.

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