Luciana Esteves is the creator, producer and screenwriter of the children's animated series “Aventuras de Berê”, which episodes have won or been selected in several festivals around the world, such as Luleå International Film Festival, in Sweden, the International Companion Animal Film Festival, from Korea South, the Children's Audiovisual Festival (FICAIJ), from Colombia, the Festival du Film d'Animation d'Abidjan (FFAA), from Ivory Coast and the Corujinha Festival, from Brazil.
She was also the screenwriter of the short film “Reconstrução” (2021), selected in the Maio (em)casa show and nominated in 06 categories at the RIMA – Rio de Janeiro International Monthly Awards – in 2021 - and winner in the Best Photography category, selected in FicRio 2022 and nominated as the best micro-short film of the 2nd Fic Rio 2022, all in Brazil.