LILI TWIL ليلي طويل / Rhapsodie 3
The film Lili Twil - ليلي طويل / Rhapsodie 3 offers captivating imagery of the Oujda’s region and close-up shots revealing the details of an enigmatic woman’s body. It creates poetic connections between her skin, the desert, her hair, and the forest.
Grégory DargentDirector
Tzig'Art MilhoudProducer
WintersonnenExecutive Production
Grégory DargentExecutive Producer
Benyounes MegriMusic
Alexandre SaadaMusic
Clotilde RullaudMusic
Grégory DargentCompositing
Project Type:Experimental, Music Video, Short
Genres:Experimental, Exploration, Discovery, Freedom
Completion Date:August 21, 2023
Country of Origin:France
Shooting Format:Super 8
Film Color:Black & White and Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Guitariste électrique et joueur de oud, compositeur, réalisateur, photographe, il cultive ses schizophrénies musicales et identitaires à travers les musiques improvisées, les transes touaregs, le jazz, le maqam turc, les musiques minimalistes, la pop, les worksongs afro-américains ou la chanson française.
De L’Hijâz’Car à Babx, de la chanteuse berbère Houria Aïchi à Camelia Jordana, de l'Electrik GEM à Rachid Taha, du trio H aux Sirventés enragés de Manu Théron, des musiques pour l’image aux chorégraphies contemporaines, du plus acoustique des ouds aux guitares les plus nucléaires, il dirige, accompagne, compose, déchiffre, questionne, fouille, se trompe, rebondit, arrange, orchestre et partage inlassablement ses passions musicales et photographiques..
Electric guitarist and oud player, composer, director, photographer, he cultivates his musical and identity schizophrenia through improvised music, Tuareg trance, jazz, Turkish maqam, minimalist music, pop, African American worksongs or the French song.
From the Hijâz'Car to Babx, from the Berber singer Houria Aïchi to Camelia Jordana, from the Electrik GEM to Rachid Taha, from the trio H to the mad Sirventés by Manu Théron, from contemporary music to contemporary choreography, from the acoustic ouds to the most nuclear guitars, he directs, accompanies, composes, puzzles out, questions, digs, mistakes, bounces, arranges, orchestrates and tirelessly shares his musical and photographic passions.