Private Project

Jesus Bird (Baptism in the Jordan)

A young "Crook", card player-swindler, follows the trains, deceives the passengers and steals money. When exposed to fraud he is often beaten.
On the train he meets pioneers and their attractive leader who thinks he is a priest because of his outfit.
while eating and drinking the offerings from the pioneers, he begins to talk incredible nonsense, referring to Christ as being a bird and gradually enters his character as a priest.
Suddenly "priest" sees a small mystical river from the window, decides to bring the children and their leader from the train and baptises them in this river which he calls "The Jordan".
The newly baptised pioneers and their leader will then jump on the already departing train and happily head for their compartment, while the "priest" is apprehended by his previous victims, that were searching for him.

  • Mikhail Kvirikadze
  • Mikhail Kvirikadze
  • Jana Sardlishvili
  • Paata Inauri
    Key Cast
    "Churchill "
  • Marisha Urushadze
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
    Feature, Short
  • Genres:
    Romantic ferry-tale, drama, comedy
  • Runtime:
    27 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    March 23, 2023
  • Production Budget:
    40,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    Digital, Alexa mini, anamorphic
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
    Black & White and Color
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Mikhail Kvirikadze

Mikhail Kvirikadze
Film Director/ Director of Photography
Born 23-07-1975
1994-1996 Santa Monica Collage
1997-1999 Los Angeles Film School
2016-2018 Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Film Directors. (Moscow,Russia)
From 1992 to 2003 lived and worked in Hollywood (Los-Angeles). Worked with directors: Agnieszka Holland (Washington Square), Wim Wenders ( Million Dollar Hotel), Danny Boyle ( Yesterday), Nikita Mikhalkov ( Barber of Siberia) and others.
From 2003 to present day actively working as a director of photography in Russia and Georgia.
2020 "Rabbit's Paw" - Best Cinematography
2019 "Ave Georgia or Prime Meridian of Wine" Best Cinematography, (LA Doc Film Festival)
2008 " The Rainbow maker " - Best Cinematography

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Director Statement

This is a tragicomedy story of a young card player-crook, who often gets beaten up by his victims. Unexpectedly he meets a group of pioneers and their attractive leader, which gives him a chance to change his life. Instead he is apprehended by his previous victims, that were searching for him.