I'm not a racist, but...
The video is based on the song "I am not a racist, but ..." and was made in Brussels with the participation of the children of the "Center Communautaire Maritime (CCM)" of Molenbeek-Saint-Jean.
Some scenes were shot at the CCM, while others were shot outdoors in the Molenbeek-Saint-Jean district and in the city of Brussels.
In the video, two characters confront each other in different situations: in a pub, in a car inside a parking lot, during a walk in the city. The main character gives a strong and cynical voice to prejudice and clichés, trying to convince the other who is opposed to them. The irony of the text is amplified by the caricatured behavior of the main character and the reactions of the interlocutor. The games, laughter, expressions and spontaneous attitudes of children underline the absurdity of prejudice and clichés in a world that is constantly evolving.
Halfway through the video, the main character is filmed in the intimacy of his home, in the kitchen, while preparing a dish using the tagine and wearing the djellaba. The text and other elements present in the scene reflect the inconsistency of the protagonist, torn between prejudice and attraction to other cultures. And so the video develops and enhances the message of the song, namely that we are all made of the same substance and what differentiates us, our culture, life experiences, must be considered an added value and not a divisive element.
The ballets of the children and the two characters invite you to get involved and confront each other to improve and learn to live with others, in a world that will be increasingly multicultural and multi-ethnic.
Marco LocurcioDirector
Stefano CintiWriter
Marco LocurcioWriter
Stefano CintiProducer
Stefano CintiKey Cast
Guido CastellanoKey Cast
Project Title (Original Language):Io non sono razzista, ma...
Project Type:Music Video
Runtime:4 minutes 14 seconds
Completion Date:April 1, 2022
Production Budget:0 USD
Country of Origin:Belgium
Country of Filming:Belgium
Shooting Format:prores
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Marco Locurcio multi strumentista, compositore, arrangiatore e regista.
Studia chitarra e composizione al “Musicians Institute” di Los Angeles e al “ Conservatoire Royale de Bruxelles”.
Oltre al suo percorso di musicista che lo porta a registrare numerosi album e a suonare in giro per il mondo, spinto dalla passione per il cinema, produce e dirige video-clip musicali e corto metraggi.
Nel 2006 scrive e dirige il suo primo lungo metraggio “Like Sunshine” assieme a Claudio Gramizzi al quale seguiranno oltre trenta video clip e quattro cortometraggi.
Nel 2018 crea la sua etichetta discografica “Lanewood Records”.
Stefano Cinti's Statement.
I wrote 'I am not a racist, but ...' trying to describe the attitude towards what is different from us, the clichés, prejudices and the laziness of dealing with others. All these elements are the matrix on which a divisive mentality can grow and develop. The complexities of a changing world and our limits in following its change must push us to action towards potential obstacles. We are all made of the same substance and what identify us, culture, life experiences, must be considered an added value and not a divisive element. We have a powerful ally: empathy. We must study it, discipline it and activate it in our lives, to continue living in a world that will be increasingly multi-ethnic and multicultural. I would like that the song and the related video bring to reflect on these topics.
Ho scritto ‘Io non sono razzista, ma…’ cercando di descrivere l’atteggiamento verso cio’ che e’ diverso da noi, i luoghi comuni, i pregiudizi e la pigrizia di confrontarsi con gli altri. Tutti questi elementi sono la matrice su cui puo’ crescere e svilupparsi una mentalità divisiva. Le complessità di un mondo che cambia e i nostri limiti a seguirne il cambiamento ci devono spingere all’azione verso i potenziali ostacoli. Siamo tutti fatti della stessa sostanza e quello che ci differenzia, la cultura, le esperienze di vita, deve essere considerato un valore aggiunto e non un elemento divisivo. Abbiamo un alleato potente: l’empatia. Dobbiamo studiarla, disciplinarla e attivarla nelle nostre vite, per continuare a vivere in un mondo che sara’ sempre piu’ multietnico e multiculturale. Mi piacerebbe che la canzone e il relativo video facessero riflettere su questi argomenti e che la riflessione portasse a mettersi in gioco e confrontarsi.