What makes me different as a Producer is that I don’t like telling people what to do but love encouraging people in what they do.
Merry Price Productions LLC
    My name is Iesha Price, an aspiring Producer in the Atlanta, GA area. I’m the creator of Merry Price Productions LLC (founded in 2018) with over 5 years of experience in the film industry. The inspiration behind Merry Price Productions came about really because of my love for the 1964 Fantasy/Musical Classic- Mary Poppins. It was one of my favorite childhood movies and one that I still love and feel such a strong connection to- I mean, who doesn’t love the magical nanny that flies in out of nowhere to put a broken home back together again and disappears when the job is all done? She embodies the very meaning of being kind to one another which is exactly what I’m all about. I relate the underlying tone of the film to how Merry Price Productions should operate; like Mary Poppins-- who was positive, professional, got things done yet never acknowledged her uniquely strange and magical powers-- I pride myself in being genuine, organized and professional so that things run smoothly during production, movie making magic and all!
    The driving force for me as a filmmaker and producer is being able to display the talents of the diverse and unique group of professional and talented women that I get to work with on a daily basis, that live in Atlanta, GA. When I produced the short film Residence 906 (my producer debut) the drama/thriller was made up of a total of 50 women cast & crew (4 men included). We shot the film for 3 overnight shoots and have screened our film twice. What I want to always honor is the hard work and dedication these ladies put into their craft. Residence 906 set the standard for how I want my production company- Merry Price Productions to always operate and I'm very proud to be apart of the indie film community, I'm passionate about this industry, and want to be a staple in helping make a difference in filmmaking.
    I’m passionate about working in this industry and providing quality service. I’ve always been an extremely hard worker and maintain a “glass is half full” mentality.
    My strengths are definitely in the Producer and Production Designer/Props arena. What I want people to take from their experience with Merry Price is the feeling that everything will happen that needs to happen. With that said…
    Let’s Have a Merry Set Life!
    Best Trailer, Best Poster
    Residence 906
    Arthouse Festival of Beverly Hills
    Beverly Hills
    50 Women Cast & Crew
    Residence 906
    The Plaza Theatre Screening
    BFA in Film & Audio Production
    Birth Date
    September 21, 1982
    Only for family members ;)
    Birth City
    Current City
    African American
    Eye Color
    Zodiac Sign
    Let's create a world together!
    Have a Merry Set Life!
    What makes me different as a Producer is that I don’t like telling people what to do but love encouraging people in what they do.
    Merry Price Productions LLC
      Résumé & Attachments
      • Iesha Price Production Resume 2019
      Résumé & Attachments
      • Iesha Price Production Resume 2019
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