Hors-Jeu (Outsiders)
In Erdogan's Turkey, being queer isn't a crime (yet), but it can still make your life a living hell. Which is why some members of the community have decided to claim their right to exist, loud and proud, with a soccer ball.
Hannah CauhépéDirectorOrange Sanguine
Hannah CauhépéWriter
Hannah CauhépéProducer
Hannah CauhépéEditor
Project Type:Documentary, Short
Genres:sports, activism, lgbtq
Runtime:10 minutes
Completion Date:June 1, 2021
Country of Origin:France
Country of Filming:Turkey
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:1920 × 1080
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Hannah is a freelance documentary photographer, filmmaker, as well as photo and video editor, focusing on LGBTQ, feminist, and social justice issues.
After a quick dip into the entertainment law practice, she (finally) realized she should try to give photography a chance. She is mostly self-taught, though she worked as a studio assistant in Mexico City for two years.
Based in Barcelona since 2019, she has taken on several personal and documentary projects (among others a queer soccer team, a skatepark, urban development, cows…).
You can find her online at hannahcauhepe.com and on Instagram @hannahcoolsmooth