Danielle tells her family that she will go on a trip to clear up a recurring thought - the absence of her unborn sister "R" - on the way she listens to a song written by her mother that will help her find the answer she was looking for.
Manu GarciaWriter
Robert GarciaProducer
Nathalia RiveraKey Cast"Erre"
Renata RomaKey Cast"Danielle"
Marielda MirandaKey Cast"Heaven"
Sergio FernandezKey Cast"Uriel"
Andonni YunoemKey Cast"Gael"
Chava MayorgaOriginal Music
Marco LupercioSound
Alejandra VazquezArt Director
Project Title (Original Language):Heliotrópico
Project Type:Short
Runtime:14 minutes
Completion Date:August 25, 2021
Production Budget:4,900 USD
Country of Origin:Mexico
Country of Filming:Mexico
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Emmanuel García Rodríguez (Manu García) bachelor in communication is a content creator and teacher.
In 2010 he fulfilled the role of line producer for the shortfilm “En los cables” directed by Alejandra Vazquez and Occibiano Olachea.
In 2012 he collaborated as a second camera assistant for the shortfilm “El Necio” directed by Carlos Quiroz Robles.
In 2020 he directed the shorfilm “HIVRIDO” selected in the category “Cinecortos Impulse Premio Maguey” in the Guadalajara’s International Film Festival 35.
In 2021 he directed the cineminute “Heaven” obtaining the second award as director in the first Cineminute Competition in Caranarts Films Academy.
Life strikes and takes away someone you deeply love. Imagine you can´t say goodbye, even worse you don´t get the chance to see that person’s face; not even a single time.
Heliotropic shares the story of Danielle’s family. It’s a glimpse of energy through the eyes of a female young character who has remain in silence for many years.
Danielle speaks out, she gives herself an opportunity to forgive herself, to move on and finally say goodbye to a sister she didn’t meet.
This short film is an act of affection for those families who have lost a baby during pregnancy.