Greenie, Over the Grass
"Greenie, Over the Grass" is a captivating animated adventure that follows the journey of Greenie, a determined little lawnmower, on a quest to fulfill her dreams. This adventure, full of twists and emotions, explores courage, independence, and the pursuit of dreams despite obstacles.
Maxime De ZutterDirector
AImation StudioProducer
Project Title (Original Language):Greenie, Un Rêve de Tondeuse
Project Type:Animation, Experimental, Short
Genres:Animation, children, artificial intelligence
Runtime:11 minutes 39 seconds
Completion Date:November 13, 2023
Country of Origin:Belgium
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Oned International Film FestivalBeijing
Official Selection -
Lift-Off Global Network
Official Selection