Good Mourning
When Ana's childhood friend dies she attempts to skip the five stages of grief with the help of her best friends, ex-boyfriends and naked Twister.
India AltschulDirectorUnforgivable, Something Blue
Rósa Björk ÁsmundsdóttirWriterJólin Með Þér (official video), See It All (official video), Dómsdags dans (maí 2023)
heró sviðslistahópur productionsProducerJólin Með Þér, Stay For Me, Sorry (Lofa Veit Betur), See It All
Rósa Björk ÁsmundsProducer
Helena HafsteinsdóttirProducer
Rósa Björk ÁsmundsKey Cast"Ana"Ringulreið, Stay For Me (official video), Bensínstöðvarblóm
Tatiana MirabentKey Cast"Camila"Noa's Arc, See It All (official video)
Nic NazarioKey Cast"Ali"
Kate PeliniKey Cast"Caroline"
Helena HafsteindóttirKey Cast"Hilda"Hadriana, Lucid, Órar, Þráðlaus (official video)
Isaias BadillaKey Cast"Carlos"Ñaños, Un Regalo Esencial
William WasbergKey Cast"Daniel"
Project Type:Short, Student
Genres:Drama, Romance, comedy, fiction
Runtime:13 minutes 11 seconds
Completion Date:February 28, 2023
Production Budget:2,100 USD
Country of Origin:Iceland
Country of Filming:United States
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes - New York University
India Altschul is a writer and director based in Los Angeles studying film and television production at the NYU Tisch School of the Arts. She’s been writing screenplays for five years and has directed over 10 short films, one of which has won awards in several small film festivals. She has experience in all aspects of set work, and is extremely passionate about film and television as an art form.
When Rosa approached me with this project; a dramatic comedy with an international collaboration aspect, I knew I had to jump on it.
This being Rosa's first written screenplay, I was pleasantly surprised by her talent, her comedic timing as well as her vision.
From the moment I read the first draft I knew we had a gem.
This story about a group of friends, with such diverse characteristics and personalities, coming together over their mutual loss of a friend made me see the five stages of grief in a whole new light.
Each and every one of the characters has their own beautiful and traumatic way of coping with the sate they're in and the way the story slowly burns with the help of a dynamic theme song is really affective.
It was a pleasure working with this team and I am so excited to share our work with you!