Private Project

Field Recordings from Oblivion

A dance-film about love, dreams and oblivion, set in the uninhabited landscapes that occupy the liminal spaces of our digital age. The love, tenderness and proximity of a couple is expressed by them dreaming the same dream; a dream that is confused with lost landscapes. An emotional journey that guides us through a fleeting encounter into the interior of two minds, with love and oblivion as a backdrop.

An elegy to the geography of oblivion, from the perspective of a digital culture that remembers everything. An ode to the past lives of neglected territories, composed in the era of virtuality and climatic emergency.

  • Ferran Gordillo Palahí
  • Clement Hamilton
    Key Cast
  • Ariadna Grau
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
    Short, Other
  • Runtime:
    20 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    December 11, 2024
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
    France, Spain
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    Black Magic RAW
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Ferran Gordillo Palahí

Audiovisual/Theatre creator, and writer. He has been trained in performing arts at the ERAM of Girona, the UNA of Buenos Aires, and the Master of Theatre at the Toneelacademie of Maastricht.

He has created various theatre plays that blend audiovisual and new tecnologies, such as “Fumando espero.... (the apocalypse) (2019)", "As seen in the Eyes of a beast (2019)", "Farewells of a non-encounter (2020)", "Nunc Stans (2021)", "Imaginary Sound (2022)", "The A.K.A Project (2023)", "Field Recordings from Oblivion (2024)" and "Mary's Room (Black Box) (2024)".

In his facet as a writer, he has published “Enso” (First Prize in the XI Certamen de Literatura Experimental), and “Las postrimerías del habla” (Finalist in the Certamen Literario Fundación JCPS), as well as other poetry books and plays.

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