Trace of the tide
The lagoon is a very complex ecosystem, sensitive to global overheating. Between the various
ecosystems it is one of the first to suffer from the climate changes in act, raising an alarm
throughout the planet from its symptoms.
The consistent raising of the sea level shows the natural process of water replacement, changing with the weather the configuration of the land emerges.
This work presented wants to testify the vital presence of the water in the lagoon, giving the possibility
of the marine environment to communicate something for itself. The large canvas was treated in a special way
to give the swells, the cycles of the tide, and the organisms living inside the lagoon a way to create marks, abrasions, and tracks,
establishing a dialogue with the sea.
This canvas, for the duration of one month, was almost completely immersed vertically in the canals in Giudecca, Venice. To reach the depths of the canals, the canvas was anchored to the foundation, reaching the bottom with the use of weights which maintained its tension. The entire process was documented in video. Supporting this work, the film will be presented, describing the dynamic relationships mentioned above.
Tracce di Marea di Federico PolloniLa laguna è un ecosistema molto complesso e sensibile al surriscaldamento globale. Tra i vari ecosistemi è tra i primi a risentire dei cambiamenti climatici in atto, mettendoci in allarme sui sintomi del pianeta. Il conseguente innalzamento del livello del mare va a intaccare il naturale processo di ricambio dell’acqua, andando a modificare con il tempo la cofigurazione stessa delle terre emerse. L’opera qui presentata vuole testimoniare la presenza vitale del mare in laguna. Dando la possibilità all’ambiente marino di comunicarci qualcosa esso stesso. La grande tela viene appositamente trattata per dare modo al moto ondoso, al ciclo di marea e agli organismi che ci vivono, di creare dei segni, delle abrasioni, delle tracce. Instaurando una sorta di dialogo col mare. Questa tela, per la durata di un mese, viene immersa quasi completamente nel canale della Giudecca a Venezia. Ancorata alla fondamenta, raggiunge il fondale tramite dei pesi che la tengono in tensione. Tutto il processo è stato video documentato. A supporto dell’opera viene presentato un filmato che ne descrive la realizzazione.
Federico PolloniDirector
Federico PolloniWriter
Federico PolloniProducer
Federico PolloniKey Cast
Arianna MarcolinKey Cast
Ariele BacchettiKey Cast
George UgmisserKey Cast
Project Type:Documentary, Experimental, Short, Student, Other
Runtime:7 minutes 51 seconds
Completion Date:March 25, 2020
Production Budget:500 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:Yes
Word Oceans Day 8th June "L'Arte delle Scienze Marine" ISMAR CNRVenice
June 8, 2019
Collective Exhibition
Federico Polloni(1991), originary from Asolo Hills, after graduate in art school of Treviso in Italy, in 2018 Undergraduate degree in painting in Academy of Fine Arts in Venice; his mentors were Aldo Grazzi and Carlo Di Raco. In 2018 he enroll for master degree in painting with the professor Carlo Di Raco.
Now he lives and works in Venice.
2019 “AIR4” international group exhibition at the RAVNIKAR GALLERY SPACE, curated by Piera Ravnikar, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2019 La Biennale di Venezia, 58. International Exposition of Art – Salone Suisse –Collateral Event, Swiss Pavilion – “An Open House featuring student paintings”- in collaboration whit Swiss Art Council Prohelvetia, Academy of Fine Arts of Venice, Curated by Céline Eidenbenz, Venice, Italia
2019 “World Oceans Day” Collective Exhibition, CNR ISMAR, Tese dell’Arsenale Nord, Venice, Italy
2019 Delphian Gallery art prize 2019, first selection, London
2018 Vernice Contemporanea, “Talvolta siamo visti da ciò che vediamo” International Collective Exhibition of Contemporary art curated by Massimo Casagrande, Bunker di Villa Caldogno, Palladium complex, Caldogno (VI) Italy
2018 Lotto 293 “giovani artisti in mostra”, Foundation villa Benzi Zecchini, Caerano San Marco (TV) Italy
2018 Workshop “Laboratorio Aperto”, Forte Marghera Mestre (VE) curated by Carlo Di Raco, Martino Scavezzon, Nebojsa Despotovic and Thomas Braida, Italy
2018 Progetto site-specific “NOW HERE NO HERE” collaboration with the artist Jaša MREVLJE POLLAK in ART HOTEL TARTINI, Piran Slovenia, a curated by Michele Drascek, Slovenia
2017 Workshop Laboratorio Aperto, Forte Marghera Mestre (VE) curated by Carlo Di Raco and Martino Scavezzon, Italy
2016 Workshop “Laboratorio Aperto”, Forte Marghera Mestre (VE) curated by Carlo Di Raco, Martino Scavezzon and Miriam Pertegato, Italy
2015 Workshop “Laboratorio Aperto”, Forte Marghera Mestre (VE) curated by Carlo Di Raco and Nebojsa Despotovic , Italy
2012 Selected at Celeste Prize 2012 , curated by Antonio Marras
2010 “Polizia Città Persone”, Art Prize, exhibition at Cà dei Carraresi (tv), Italy