Private Project

Escape from Brazil

Logline: Joao, a deeply paranoid Brazilian cop, escapes Brazil and clashes with Eva, a wealthy Norwegian trader suffering an existential crisis.
Joao, a brazilian policeman, and his girlfriend are shot by an assailant. They are left scarred physically and emotionally.
Eva, a young and wealthy trader, struggles to find meaning in life. She researches global reparation policies, hoping to solve the world's socio-economic inequality.
During their engagement party, Joao brawls with his brother in law, shoots him in front of the entire family and flees.
Meanwhile, Eva is gropped inappropriately by her tutor, protests and flees.
Joao hatches a scheme to traffic cocaine to Europe and evade the police for the murder. He succeeds and randomly kidnaps Eva in her home.
He meets dutch drug dealers and fails to reach an agreement. They decide to execute both Joao and Eva, but they manage to escape in the last moment. Eva returns home - where she briefly experiences joy. Joao hides in a park where deep paranoia continues to haunt him.

  • Bruno Decc
    Interage Museum, Two Signs's Den: Epilogue
  • Bruno Decc
    Interage Museum, Two Signs's Den: Epilogue
  • Juliana Borges
    Beginning of Life
  • Rik Sinkeldam
    Amsterdam Heavy
  • Gus Bohlen
  • Rafael Mathra
  • Beto Pontes
    Dismal, Carpe Aeternitatem
  • Renata Romeu
    Carpe Aeternitatem
  • Che Moias
    Key Cast
    Sequestro Relampago, Rota Comando
  • Ingvild Syntropia
    Key Cast
    Star Wars - Rogue One, Avengers - Age of Ultron
  • Bruna Oliveira
    Key Cast
  • Don Alphonso
    Key Cast
  • Roger Soares
    Key Cast
  • Roy van Kleef
    Key Cast
    Stanley H., Goede tijden, slechte tijden
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Escape do Brazil
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    1 hour 38 minutes 46 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    February 1, 2020
  • Production Budget:
    2,500,000 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
    Brazil, Netherlands
  • Language:
    Dutch, English, Portuguese
  • Shooting Format:
    Digital 4K
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • III The Hague Film Festival
    The Hague
    October 16, 2020
    Finalist for Best Feature
  • Theatrical Release - Pathé Cinemas

    September 29, 2022
    Belgium Premiere
Distribution Information
  • MovieCompany
    Country: Netherlands
    Rights: All Rights
Director Biography - Bruno Decc

Born in 1985, studied Architecture and Urbanism in the University of Sao Paolo. Since 2007, he works as director, writer, producer and photographer in indie filmmaking and advertising through his production company, Decc Films. From 2011 to 2018, he worked closely with Maria Farinha Films producing, writing and directing documentaries, short films and television shows focused on social-environmental issues. In 2018 he launched Escape Films in Belgium, establishing his international career.
Nascido em 1985, estudou Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo. Desde 2007 trabalha como diretor e roteirista em cinema independente através da produtora Filme Filmes (Decc Filmes Ltda.). De 2011 até 2018, atuou em conjunto com a Maria Farinha Filmes, produzindo, dirigindo e escrevendo documentários, curtas-metragens e programas de web de temática socioambiental. Em 2018 lançou a produtora Escape Filmes na Bélgica e estabeleceu sua carreira internacional.

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Director Statement

The films focuses on the theme of pursuit of happiness. The main character serves a conduit that constantly introduces new characters in a dramatic format: this juxtaposes the Brazilian and European conditions of such pursuit, exposing the psychological phenomena of negative bias. It aims make evident the importance of contentment, in a compassionate and liberating way. We believe it's a necessary kind of film for the socio-political atmosphere of both continents: It aims to inject optimism in European audiences, and question Brazilians' expectations. it's a precise attempt to address both sides of the political spectrum, in a global scale, and bridge the gap by fomenting a mythology that allows to unite in diversity and tackle the great challenges of the 21st century.