Script File
Esc.(ape) Online: 01x01 - "Pilot"
Retreating from the turmoil of their real lives, a motley crew are drawn to the attractive, immersive, world of space-battle MMORPGs.
Unregulated cyber-space turns out far from Utopian, though. With everyone playing a role - nothing as it seems - one man’s blind vengeance is all it takes to threaten a total collapse... and set devastating repercussions echoing throughout both realities.
Christopher KerrWriter
Project Type:Screenplay, Television Script, Treatment
Genres:sci-fi, drama
Number of Pages:51
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No
Born: c.1801, Scotland - found on a church doorstep, wrapped in the new Union Flag which he dubiously claims to have "mocked up that morning".
Age: 41. Having invented both the bicycle and the time-machine by age 15, Mr Kerr subsequently fell victim to a terrible accident upon removing the training wheels; stranding him in Australia, c.2005... Mysteriously aging nearly a decade in the process! Both Mr Kerr and top government scientists are at a loss to explain the missing 10 years.
Nationality: British, Australian, Pyrate.
Still an enthusiastic cyclist, now returned to the UK, Mr Kerr currently skippers the waterways of South-East England. He is accompanied in this endeavour by First-mate Mindi-Schnauzer, and Master-at-arms / heir apparent, Toovey-The-Wonder-dog.
In order to finance this floating fiefdom - maintenance, dogfood, tyres, hyphens, commas, requisite rum - Mr Kerr can typically be found bobbing between Film Post-production jobs, script-analysis assignments, or manual labouring. In his 15+ years Technology and Production capacities in Post, Mr Kerr has worked on a string of award-winning features; many of which could have benefited creatively from smaller budgets and stronger scripts.
2017 saw a determined effort to break away from Post, into screenwriting proper - to realise some of his own ideas. This has led to a few awards on the Festival scene, as well as some progress towards self-producing a couple of short animated films, and a one-shot comic.
Based on actual events, some - or less - of the above is true.