Earth In Their Eyes
A music video for a song written to a child (artist niece) and to humanity about righting the environmental wrongs of our forefathers. All footage is home video in capture, style and feel.
Melahn AtkinsonDirector
Talia KeysDirector
Talia KeysWriter
Melahn T AtkinsonProducer
Talia KeysProducer
Project Type:Music Video
Genres:Soul, Rock, Blues, Jazz
Runtime:6 minutes 3 seconds
Completion Date:October 6, 2020
Production Budget:200 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital, DSLR
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
MY HERO International Short Film FestivalWorld Wide Web
United States
December 4, 2021
World Premiere
WINNER: Film/Video
Amidst the luminous celebrations of Summer Solstice 2010, the Universe shifted, ever so slightly. Just enough to send the two worlds of Melahn Atkinson and Talia Keys blazing toward each other. Thus sparking an ever-evolving, ever-expanding electromagnetic fireball of love!
Giving thanks to the Universe, they focused their collective power on spreading this love and light across the Earth. Helping fight the Evil that now plagues our land, our hearts, and our minds...
Proudly embracing all the colors of the Rock N’ Roll Rainbow, this fiery duo out of Salt Lake City, Utah, has created an authentic brand in music and short films. Largely centering their art on equality, and environmental justice.
The quiet stealth-like Melahn, films, edits, produces, directs, and broadcasts live video content. Mainly practicing handheld shooting, she’s created a specialized portfolio of live music and live-action short films (official music videos) for Talia, a fierce, politically outspoken performer, musician, songwriter, producer, director, and activist.
In addition to arting, and pushing the limits of the status quo, they stay active in their community. Working hard to build life-changing organizations like Rock Camp SLC, an empowerment camp for girls, transgender, and gender-expansive youth. Talia is a recipient of the Utah Business 2021 Living Color Award for community involvement with her music and her role as Music Director for Rock Camp SLC. Other organizations they are active with include Equality Utah, KRCL 90.9fm, Black Lives For Humanity Movement, PANDOS, and DRAC (Disabled Rights Action Committee)
We feel it is our job as artists to invoke honest emotion. Speaking the truth about our people and experience is our process. We will continue the good work of our ancestors and right their wrongs so we can make space for those that follow.
We promote a community of love, equality, and prosperity for all life. Our combined knowledge is used to combat the destructive learned behaviors of greed and hate in all its forms.
The cycle of abuse ends with us. This is our journey, we do not take it lightly. We will do our best with what we have to use our time here wisely.
<3 Melahn and Talia