From the fortuitous encounter of some ruins next to a train track, we discover one of the dark episodes of Spain's past: the forced labor system implemented during the Franco dictatorship.
Alberto PascualDirector
Alberto PascualWriter
Alberto Pascual RodriguezProducer
Carlos HernandezKey Cast"Himself"
Alicia Quintero MAquaKey Cast"Herself"
Anna MiñarroKey Cast
Project Title (Original Language):ESTOS MUROS
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:1 hour 7 minutes 33 seconds
Completion Date:January 10, 2022
Production Budget:125,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Spain
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
ARGENTINA FICiP : Festival Internacional de Cine Político 2022Buenos Aires
May 26, 2022
Selection -
THE MILLENIUM Film Festival 2022Bruselas
May 7, 2022 -
IMPACTE¡ Film Festival 2022Barcelona
April 9, 2022 -
SARAQUSTA Film Festival 2021Zaragoza
October 1, 2021 -
9th International Ierapetra International Documentary Festival & AwardsIerapetra
August 9, 2022 -
The Rasnov Histories and Film FestivalRasnov
September 20, 2022 -
History Film Festival RijekaRijeka
September 14, 2022
Distribution Information
Alberto Pascual Rodríguez. Donostia, 1959. Director and Producer.
I started in the audiovisual industry in 1985 as an apprentice, I have become an officer and when I grow up I want to become a master.
I feel especially committed to the dissemination of stories that amplify transformative messages and enhance values that help us to move through these times with greater awareness.
The present of our society is structured under great deficiencies in the knowledge of our recent history. Triumphant narratives define coexistence, while other narratives remain in the shadows, distorting the mirror in which we look at ourselves. Silence and oblivion endure today. Does distorted memory interfere with who we are?
Above all, ESTOS MUROS is a place of virtual memory, a tribute to the more than 2,000 prisoners who passed through the Soto del Real Penal Detachment, formerly Chozas de la Sierra, which in turn are part of the more than 6,000 who passed through the works of the train line.
The documentary is led by a voice-over that narrates the discoveries that the director himself makes during his investigation and the impact and perplexity they produce on him.
In parallel, we listen to the testimonies of different experts who draw the context of what happened there, providing data and discovering layers of history.
It is also worth mentioning the presence of unpublished archive material that reveals to us through black and white photographs, documents and magazines of the time the hard times lived in the construction of that bridge.