Experiencing Interruptions?

ENTIENDO, una cruzada de paz

At the end of January 2020, the team of MotoForPeace - an Italian nonprofit organization made up of members of the international Police Force with a passion for motorcycles - embarked on the humanitarian expedition "Anonymous of Faith".
Nine motorcycles, two vans, 14 people along 13,000 km of South American roads for two months of travel with the sole objective of bringing concrete help in the form of medical supplies and donations to some missions in need, located in Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Peru.

ENTIENDO is based on what happened during the two months of the expedition, going in-depth to understand the motivations that led them to undertake a journey that was anything but comfortable along the South American routes. ENTIENDO is all of this and much more: the unexpected, smiles, encounters, the changes of route, difficult decisions, falls and mechanical breaks, hugs, shared emotion, and the early closure of the mission in La Paz, due to the advancement of the COVID-19 pandemic that blocked the expedition in the Bolivian capital.

  • Gabriele Orlini
    Documentary Photoreporter, Writer, Director
  • Gabriele Orlini
    Documentary Photoreporter, Writer, Director
  • Lisa Zillio
    Filmmaker, Editor, Writer
  • Lisa Zillio
    Film & Edit
    Filmmaker, Editor, Writer
  • Jonathan Norani
  • Marco Veronese
    Add Action Cam & Drone
  • Valter Magnifico
    Add Action Cam & Drone
  • Gabriele Orlini
    Add Action Cam & Drone
    Drone Operator & Cine
  • DooG Reporter| stories to share
    Intl. Ethics Media Agency of Reportage
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    ENTIENDO, una cruzada de paz
  • Project Type:
    Documentary, Feature, Other
  • Genres:
    Documentary, No fiction, Docu film
  • Runtime:
    51 minutes 35 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    February 24, 2021
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
    Argentina, Bolivia, Plurinational State of, Chile, Paraguay
  • Language:
    Italian, Spanish
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Gabriele Orlini

Triestino di nascita, milanese d’adozione, porteño per destino. Appena può Gabriele Orlini ama tornare nella sua intima e malinconica Buenos Aires.
Non ha radici ma gambe e ha scelto di fare il mestiere del vento per non tradire quella sottile e vitale necessità di sentirsi altrove.

Racconta le storie dei singoli, uomini e donne che insieme formano quel puzzle scomposto chiamato Umanità e a cui tutti, in qualche modo, apparteniamo. Le racconta soprattutto per mezzo della fotografia, ma a volte anche con la scrittura, per dare una voce forte specialmente a quelle storie invisibili, perse nel marasma mediatico del quotidiano.
Ama entrare nelle storie forti e rimanerne, suo malgrado, impigliato.

Gabriele Orlini parla del travaglio dei profughi e delle loro speranze, di abuso sessuale e di violenza sulle donne dall’Africa al Sud America, di bordelli e di bambini soldato, di emarginati, … ma anche di sorrisi.

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