Project File
dirty-thirties-teaser.mp3 (1.36 MB)Dirty Thirties Theme Song
I remember the dreams of yesterday
In Hollywood, living life in the fast lane
Bar hopping with my one night stand
Dancing on tables every night
With a drink in my hand
My oh My
How things have changed
Getting married, having babies
These pressures got me jaded
Being young and dumb is no longer a worry
We're grown up on the west side
In our Dirty Thirties
Dirty Thirties
Dirty Thirties
We're grown up on the west side
We're grown up on the west side
We're all grown up!
Dirty Thirties
Justina CarubiaAuthor
Justina CarubiaName of Band or Artist
Avinash PatelName of Band or Artist
Mike LyonName of Band or Artist
Eugene FornarioName of Band or Artist
Project Type:Song
Length:47 seconds
Completion Date:February 4, 2014
Country of Origin:United States
Student Project:No