Denying Beauty
The film born from an idea inspired by a text written by Michael March. The superficial beauty, obtained with the artifice, in order to achieve goals, is not true beauty and is destined to last only for a short time. The choice of a location so rich in culture, history and own soul, reinforces the concept in which true beauty has deep roots that come to memory.
Rossano ManiscalchiDirector
Laure Pello SodeKey Cast"first actress"
Adina BirtariuKey Cast
Danielle RossiKey Cast
Marina BalandinaKey Cast
Doriana KucukuKey Cast
Vincenzo PuzziferriKey Cast
Lorenzo ProvvediKey Cast
Serena Del NeroArt director and producer
Francesca Maralloexecutive producer and assistant of production
Mara Prestiexecutive producer and assistant of production
Sonia Castiglioniexecutive producer and assistant of production
Incoronata Di LeoProduction coordination and communication manager
Roman ShonokhovEditing film and Director photogtaphy
Federico FontanaCameramen
Soheil TuranAssistant of director and backstage photographer
Roberto BruscoliBackstage photographer
Andrea MocciaroDrone operator
Valentina Santorofashion blogger
Moreno FabbriAppearance, extras
Natasha ElfringAppearance, extras
Kusik MalgorzataAppearance, extras
Alessia CristianiniAppearance, extras
Angelica BonsignoriAppearance, extras
Roberta PucciAppearance, extras
Marco LabateAppearance, extras
Mary PellegriniAppearance, extras
Elisa AstorriAppearance, extras
Patrizia SaraoAppearance, extras
Roberta Di LeoAppearance, extras
Enio GelliAppearance, extras
Debora ParrinoAppearance, extras
Eleonora LottiAppearance, extras
Elisa BonarelliAppearance, extras
Rodrigo CristofoliniAppearance, extras
Monica VannucchiAppearance, extras
Leonardo SoldatiAppearance, extras
Niccolò NardiAppearance, extras
Lorenzo BallatiAppearance, extras
Federico GuerriniAppearance, extras
Laila BezziAppearance, extras
Alessandro MaltintiAppearance, extras
Paolo PensalfiniAppearance, extras
Alberto PresottiAppearance, extras
Valerio VerdianiAppearance, extras
Mariangela CamporiAppearance, extras
Paola BartoliniAppearance, extras
Concetta CasamentoAppearance, extras
Daniela TamboriniAppearance, extras
Massimo FratoniAppearance, extras
Anna Daeimake up artist
Mauro VitaliHair stylist
Anna MalyshevaFashion Designer
Villa La FerdinandaPartners
Italo FontanaPartners
Rosario SoglianoPartners
Michael MarchSpecial thanks to
Alena DablocikovaSpecial thanks to
Al TolstoySpecial thanks to
Antoniette PetuccelliSpecial thanks to
Regina SchreckerSpecial thanks to
Giovanni CordoniSpecial thanks to
Jacopo CelonaSpecial thanks to
Project Type:Short
Runtime:11 minutes 14 seconds
Completion Date:April 12, 2019
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Film Color:Black & White and Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
La Jolla Fashion Film FestivalSan Diego
United States
La Jolla
Best director, best make up artist
Rossano B. Maniscalchi works extensively, as both a photographer and film maker, within the global fashion industries, particularly in America and Italy. He has strong connections with La Jolla International Film Festival in his capacities of both a judge and, in 2017, also a nominee with his film ‘Failing Light’, which was commissioned by Dami Shoes in Italy. The films that make it into the final program for the festival represent the top 1% of the most brilliant and creative directors in contemporary filmmaking.
As a highly acclaimed photographer and film maker (globally ranked in the top 100) Rossano B. Maniscalchi has worked with many high profile fashion brands. His commercial work is limited to specifically chosen high calibre brands. Rossano is currently working with several esteemed companies on promotional films for products that are unique and prominent within the fashion world. His work has always been outstanding, whether in the field of portraiture, art, still life, fashion, culture, beauty and glamour photography, or in advertising.
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