Dark Soon

"Dark Soon" is an Los Angeles-shot found-footage spliced with Ringu creepiness. Four young LA filmmakers head to a nearby ghost town called Murphy's Ranch. There they start shooting a docu about how the Nazis built it, planning to colonise LA.

But as the sunshine fades, they realise that there could be some remaining World War 1 evil lurking in the deserted location - and this just might be the last footage they ever shoot...

Dark Soon is a AltFF Alternative Film Festival award winner, and was also screened at Horror-on-Sea (the UK's largest indie horror film festival).

  • Nina Romain
  • Nina Romain
  • NIna Romain
  • Izem Ustun
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    4 minutes 40 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    August 20, 2019
  • Production Budget:
    400 USD
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Horror-on-Sea
    United Kingdom
    January 12, 2020
  • Alt FF Film Festival
Director Biography - Nina Romain

Nina Romain is living proof that small children shouldn't be taken trick or treating in darkest Alabama as tiny sugared-up ghouls – they grow up writing and producing horror shorts obsessed with the creepier side of Halloween! Her 10 horror shorts are shot half in the seedier side of Los Angeles and half in the darker side of the UK, and have screened or been selected by over 50 film fests globally.

After over 10 years' experience in front of and behind the camera, she's written, produced and sometimes directed horror shorts in locations as varied as Brighton underpasses, haunted forests, and deserted zoos in Los Angeles. Her shorts have been selected by a total of 50 international film fests, including Upstate NY Horror Film Festival, the Hollywood Horror Film Festival, and Hollywood Screenings Film Festival, and regularly screens at the UK's largest independent horror festival, Horror-on-Sea.

Her feature work includes working as AD and continuity for films including FrightFest's UK horror-comedy "Are We Dead Yet?" and Raindance-screened "Love Possibly". She's worked as a camera assistant for the US reality show "The Amazing Race". She also is a script reviewer for Women in Horror Film Festival as well as London Short Film festival. She does film PR and BTS photography, is a horror voiceover artist, and blogs for Raindance, US horror site Morbidly Beautiful and Digital Dead.

For more information, please visit: www.girlfright.com

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