Caranguejo robô
Aqui temos variações do caranguejo robô que aparece no livro de William Gibson Neuromancer (1984). Ali, é apresentado um pequeno robô de jardinagem que eventualmente cuida de bambus. Neste trabalho em vídeoarte, o animal ganha um enfoque mais agressivo, um caranguejo épico tecnologicamente avançado, mas defeituoso. O laser se presta aqui como recurso de ataque, defesa ou condução, sempre na via dupla do ferir e ser ferido. As engrenagens barulhentas parecem compor uma sinfonia sintetizada junto à natureza das ondas do mar que estouram na praia. A espuma do mar e o vapor das máquinas se misturam na balada de amor e morte dos robôs. Os problemas, agitação e controvérsias da vida se desfazem no turbilhão de passos alternantes, patas frenéticas do caranguejo. O destino conduz as patas que estão ativas e arrasta as que não estão.
Here we have variations of the robot crab that appears in William Gibson's book Neuromancer (1984). There, a small gardening robot that eventually takes care of bamboo is introduced. In this video art work, the animal takes on a more aggressive focus, an epic technologically advanced but flawed crab. The laser serves here as a resource for attack, defense or conduction, always in the dual path of hurting and being hurt. The noisy gears seem to compose a synthesized symphony along with the nature of the sea waves crashing on the beach. The foam of the sea and the steam of the machines mix in the ballad of love and death of the robots. The troubles, turmoil and controversies of life are dissolved in the whirlwind of alternating steps, the frantic legs of the crab. Fate leads the paws that are active and drags those that are not.
Fabio BolaDirector
Franklin CassaroDirector
Fabio BolaSong Writing
Project Title (Original Language):Caranguejo robô
Project Type:Animation, Experimental, Short, Web / New Media
Runtime:58 minutes
Completion Date:July 26, 2024
Production Budget:100 USD
Country of Origin:Brazil
Country of Filming:Brazil
Aspect Ratio:1:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Fabio Mourilhe (Fabio Bola) has a PhD in art from UERJ, a post-doctorate in art from UFRJ, a master's degree in design from PUC-Rio and a degree in web design. He took courses on Macromedia and Adobe software in 1999. He also has a PhD and a degree in philosophy (UFRJ and UERJ). He has been developing a diverse range of work, including audiovisual.
Franklin Cassaro creates sculptures that, like living objects, change and are constantly evolving. Elements such as air and wind are fundamental in many of his works. The artist's performances emerge as sculptural acts. His work is greatly influenced by Lygia Clark and Helio Oiticica. He held his first solo exhibitions in 1988, at Galeria Macunaíma, in Rio de Janeiro, and at the Museum of Contemporary Art in São Paulo. He has had solo exhibitions in Germany and Australia and participated in group exhibitions in Austria, the USA, Spain, France, England, Italy, Mexico and Puerto Rico. In 1989, together with the ballerina Michele Spiewak, he created the performance with inflatables that in 2016 served as the basis for the performance presented during the countdown to the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Cassaro is one of the four founders of the gallery A Gentil Carioca in Rio de Janeiro.
Here we have variations of the robot crab that appears in William Gibson's book Neuromancer (1984). There, a small gardening robot that eventually takes care of bamboo is introduced. In this video art work, the animal takes on a more aggressive focus, an epic technologically advanced but flawed crab. The laser serves here as a resource for attack, defense or conduction, always in the dual path of hurting and being hurt. The noisy gears seem to compose a synthesized symphony along with the nature of the sea waves crashing on the beach. The foam of the sea and the steam of the machines mix in the ballad of love and death of the robots. The troubles, turmoil and controversies of life are dissolved in the whirlwind of alternating steps, the frantic legs of the crab. Fate leads the paws that are active and drags those that are not.