Big Phat Abe Lincoln

Big Phat Abe Lincoln is an animated 70s blacksploitation satirical series that delivers historical facts with a sardonic twist and comedic flare. It’s an in-your-face, over the top, cheesy spoof of 70s cop shows and films where Abe Lincoln (think Lincoln, fat Elvis, Samuel L. Jackson with a little dirty Harry) and a bunch of dead Presidents are L.A. cops dealing with history's bad guys.

  • Mark Turner
  • Project Type:
    Television Script
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Mark Turner

Married in a "shot-gun wedding" at 16, Mark's endured more life-altering situations then most subjects of Breaking The Band.
Trading Beverly Hills for the Ozark Hills, Mark keeps up to date with Hollywood by consulting with Hollywood Creative Executives, and creating television pitches for them.

Oh, yeah, Mark has a BA in film, studied at AFI, UCLA, done stand-up, and place in the top 10 of numerous competitions. Of course. Who hasn’t?

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My goal is to bring funny entertaining content to the masses!