"Being a Trans Girl"
Fran Sisco expresses why she is happy being a trans girl, in her song "Being a Trans Girl" sung by Fran's trans friend, Regina Elizabeth King, and in the opening comments and the ending song "Being a Trans Girl - Doowop version."
FRAN SISCOWriter(1) "Happy Trans Girl Like Me" - 17 minute short documentary film that won Best LGBT Documentary at The Cutting Room Film Festival (10/19) and at the Five Continents International Film Festival (5/2019)(2) "Being a Trans Girl"
FRAN SISCOKey Cast"Fran"(1) "Awakening Arlene" as Jill (2) "Happy Trans Girl Like Me" (3) "Invisible"
Regina Elizabeth KingKey Cast"Regina"
Project Type:Documentary, Music Video, Short
Genres:documentary, lgbtq
Runtime:4 minutes 32 seconds
Completion Date:September 16, 2019
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Multi-faceted artist including:
Visual - Paintings, sculptures, photography
Performance - Song, Comedy, Theatrical
Film - Short films "Happy Trans Girl Like Me," "Being a Trans Girl," Screenplay for film, TV pilot - "The Past Comes Back"
Theatre - Full-length play called "Once a Boy"
Media - Radio, TV, social media
Community - Awards for trans advocacy, nonprofit boards
Being a Trans Girl is a transformative, inspiring experience, that can lead not only to a fuller truer life, but also enhance the lives of others around you. (The originally submitted 6 minutes 53 seconds film 9/7/19 was replaced on 9/16/19 by the current 4minutes 32 seconds film.)