Experiencing Interruptions?


"Best Erotic & Bizarre Film" 2023 WSXA Barcelona
"Best Erotic Short" 2022 Arthouse Festival of Beverly Hills
"Best Erotic Short" 2022 Indie Movies Spark Film Festival
Official 2022 Selection South Film and Arts Academy Festival

Faith Jarratt Rouse goes to the sea to purge, renew and connect with her inner strength.

Faith"s (performance artist statement):

"This tenant presented itself during the pandemic and as such, I realized this to be my biggest lesson of our collective unprecedented disruption.
Life is inevitable change,
…a constant ebb and flow of vastly moving energy and circumstances that are relentlessly affecting us.
Consciously or unconsciously, as spiritual beings, it’s our decision to flow (love) or let it block us all together (fear.)
The magic is in the transitions.
You always have a choice.
Will you collapse, fold and wither when presented with a certain obstacle or root, grow and blossom?
I have faith and trust in a Spirit who asks us to take a closer look at the obstacles of our lives; to find the life lessons in them. What am I supposed to learn in this moment?
When you pause and say ‘thank you’ for the obstacles, you inherently acknowledge
the opportunity to learn, and flow continues (more love).
It’s a shift in perception that can bring miracles in the form of infinite possibilities and rewards greater than we could ever imagine.
Both pain and joy are essential to the cyclical beauty of our existence.
Spirit asks us to surrender and trust. To cleanse and release the old parts of ourselves that are not serving us anymore, to honor all the emotions from rage to joy that move through us and to welcome the rebirth to our most authentic selves and the miracles that await us.
Blessed for the collaboration with the brilliant photographer & film maker Taso Papadakis @sanpedrosnaps @tasopapadakis
With the piece ‘Baptism’ :
as I moved in front of the lens to become the solitary subject, as he, so graciously was the conduit of this Divine process and a steady rock of presence in a moment of immense vulnerability for me. In gratitude to my friend and respected colleague."

  • Taso Papadakis
  • Taso Papadakis
  • Faith Jarratt Rouse
    Key Cast
  • Taso Papadakis
  • Taso Papadakis
  • Faith Jarratt Rouse
  • Faith Jarratt Rouse
    Free-Form Movement Choreography
  • Project Type:
    Experimental, Short
  • Runtime:
    2 minutes 11 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    January 15, 2022
  • Production Budget:
    0 USD
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Shooting Format:
    Digital 4k
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Taso Papadakis

Taso Papadakis, Director / Cinematographer/ Producer:

I'm a commercial art photographer and award-winning filmmaker.
My photography work has been published internationally and one of my films is part of the permanent collection of the Joseph Campbell Foundation.
I've photographed on multiple, recurring documentary assignments for outreach programs in El Salvador and Mexico.
I've also had the honor of photographing recurring documentary and portraiture assignments for hospice programs.
I have a degree in Religious Studies from the University of Southern California, where I studied by the aid of a full scholarship.

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Director Statement

This film shares one woman's raw power & grace, perseverance and ferocity to keep loving and actively living. I hope you enjoy this tribute to the human sprit in full.