BLUATSTILLN - To Remind Me of Life
After the death of her grandmother, a young doctor returns to her family home and finds herself thrown back into an old world full of tradition, faith and mysticism, in which she is to be entrusted with the practice of bloodstopping, her family’s legacy, and confronted with her roots and the contradictions within herself.
Background Facts:
first time filmmakers, original score, low-budget independent filmmaking (6.000 Euro), Musicvideo of the title song "To Remind Me of Life"
Julia Rosa PeerDirector
Roland SilbernaglDirector
Jasmin MairhoferKey Cast"Babsi"
Julia Rosa PeerKey Cast"Mali"
Franco Marco AviDOP
Nina WermannEditor
Julia Rosa PeerWriter
Julia Rosa PeerProducer
Christoph StockOriginal Score
Isobel CopeSound Design
Peter RösnerSound
Project Type:Short
Genres:Drama, Mystery
Runtime:20 minutes
Completion Date:December 31, 2024
Production Budget:6,000 EUR
Country of Origin:Austria
Country of Filming:Austria, Germany
Shooting Format:6K RedCodeRaw
Aspect Ratio:1.85:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Snowdance Independent Film FestivalEssen
January 31, 2025
World Premiere
Nominated Best Short -
FICMARC - Caribbean Sea International Film FestivalSanta Margarita Island
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Best Fantastic Short Film
Distribution Information
Caravan FantasiaDistributorCountry: GermanyRights: All RightsCountry: Bulgaria
Julia Rosa Peer
Actress Julia Rosa Peer makes her debut as a writer, director & producer with her first short film "Bluatstilln". She studied acting with Bill Esper at the renowned William Esper Studio NYC and premiered with her first role in the feature films "Dead in 3 days" I & II (by Andreas Prochaska) at Locarno Film Festival. Following several feature films including a.o. "Home is Here (by Tereza Kotyk), "Zingerle" (by Eric Weglehner), and the two seasons of the series "Winzerkönig" and the mini-series "Das Jüngste Gericht" (by Urs Egger).
She is currently part of the ensemble of the series "School of Champions" (by Dominik Hartl, Johanna Moder, Jakob Fischer), an Austrian/German/Swiss co-production and the Constantin Film Production "Der Spitzname" (by Sönke Wortmann).
Peer has written several theater plays, including "Leaving Ziller Valley I & II" and "Ejaculation - Discussion about Female Sexuality", which have toured in 3 languages in 15 countries and won several awards.
Roland Silbernagl
In his latest short film Bluatstilln actor Roland Silbernagl gives his debut as a film director. After engagements at the Staatstheater Mainz, Städtische Bühnen Osnabrück and Theater Bonn he appeared in TV-series such as Tatort Köln and Spuren des Bösen. In the film Zingerle (2018) he portrayed the serial killer Guido Zingerle widely known as “The Monster of Tyrol”. In 2003 Silbernagl founded the international and renowned cultural festival
Stummer Schrei, which holds place in Stumm in Zillertal (AT) every two years. He is currently on festival tour with the feature film "Elfi" directed by Anita Lackenberger.
Bluatstilln is a story about coming home – returning to nature, to oneself, and to our roots that will always remain a part of us. It’s about questioning: How to navigate this world of old traditions, mysticism, and modernity?
The inspiration for the film came from an encounter with a traditional healer who spoke of his intense perception and constantly felt the emotions of others. Whether one believes in the supernatural or not, what fascinated me about this healing practice was the healer’s personal process – the struggle to define the boundary between reality and perception, the uncertainty about what is real and what is imagined.
In the Zillertal region, from which both the healer and I come from, the blending of culture and spiritual practices is deeply rooted, and many local people do not question the effects of these practices. For me, this old folk belief that healing can occur through laying on hands became a symbol for the process of the main character of the story.
Bluatstilln follows Mali, a doctor who returns to her hometown – a place she once consciously left to find herself. The loss of an important person in her life brings her back to this place, and ultimately to herself, but she has become a different person. Her scientific worldview collides with the spiritual and traditional practices she now faces. She begins to feel things she cannot explain, and perhaps she even starts to doubt her own perception.
The film is not intended to be about religiosity or the effectiveness of these traditional methods, but rather an exploration of the phenomenon and the fascination surrounding it. The original score by Christoph Stock enhances the mystical atmosphere and emotional depth of the film.
Despite a small budget of only 6,000 euros, the film was realized through the dedication of the team in just 2.5 shooting days.
Bluatstilln remains, despite its genre elements, primarily a drama that focuses on the psychological and spiritual journey of the main character. It creates a cinematic experience that cannot be easily categorized but invites the audience to navigate between the levels of reality, mysticism, and psychology.
Julia Rosa Peer
Bluatstilln ist eine Geschichte über das Heimkommen – der Rückkehr zur Natur, zu sich selbst und zu den Wurzeln, die immer ein Teil von uns bleiben werden. Es geht darum zu hinterfragen: Wo stehen wir zwischen alten Traditionen, Mystik und Moderne?
Die Inspiration für den Film stammt aus einer Begegnung mit einem traditionellen Heiler, der von seiner intensiven Wahrnehmung sprach und ständig die Emotionen anderer spürte. Ob man nun an das Übersinnliche glaubt oder nicht, was mich an dieser Heilkunst faszinierte, war der persönliche Prozess des Heilers – der Kampf, die Grenze zwischen Realität und Wahrnehmung zu definieren, die Ungewissheit darüber, was wirklich und was Einbildung war.
Im Zillertal, der Region aus der der Heiler und auch ich selbst stammen, ist die Verschmelzung von Kultur und spirituellen Praktiken tief verwurzelt, und viele Menschen dort stellen die Wirkung dieser Praktiken auch nicht infrage. Für mich wurde dieser alte Volksglaube, dass Heilung durch Handauflegen und Besprechen möglich ist, zu einem Symbol für das Heimkommen in der Geschichte.
Die Geschichte von Bluatstilln folgt Mali, einer Ärztin, die in ihre Heimat zurückkehrt – einem Ort, den sie einst bewusst verlassen hat, um sich selbst zu finden. Der Verlust eines wichtigen Menschen in ihrem Leben führt sie zurück an den Ort und letztlich zu sich selbst, doch sie ist eine andere Person geworden. Ihre wissenschaftliche Weltanschauung kollidiert mit den spirituellen und traditionellen Praktiken, denen sie nun gegenübersteht. Sie beginnt, Dinge zu spüren, die sie nicht erklären kann und vielleicht beginnt sie sogar, an ihrer eigenen Wahrnehmung zu zweifeln.
Der Film soll nicht als Frage der Religiösität oder der Wirksamkeit dieser traditionellen Methoden verstanden werden, sondern als eine Untersuchung des Phänomens und der Faszination, die damit verbunden sind. Der Originalscore von Christoph Stock verstärkt die mystische Atmosphäre und emotionale Tiefe des Films.
Trotz eines kleinen Budgets von nur 6.000 Euro wurde der Film durch das Engagement des Teams in nur 2,5 Drehtagen realisiert.
Bluatstilln bleibt trotz seiner Genre - Elemente vor allem ein Drama, das die psychologische und spirituelle Reise der Hauptfigur in den Mittelpunkt stellt. So entsteht eine filmische Erfahrung, die sich nicht in eine feste Schublade stecken lässt, sondern den Zuschauer dazu anregt, zwischen den Ebenen der Realität, des Mystischen und des Psychologischen zu navigieren.
Julia Rosa Peer