Alla Fine del Giorno
ITA: Un giovane disoccupato in difficoltà economiche riceve una misteriosa lettera contenente soldi e una proposta di lavoro. Deciso a restituire il denaro per una questione di principio, intraprende un viaggio attraverso una città apparentemente deserta, inconsapevole dei pericoli a cui sta andando incontro.
ENG: An unemployed young man struggling with financial difficulties receives a mysterious letter containing money and a job offer. Determined to return the money on principle, he embarks on a journey through a seemingly deserted city, unaware of the dangers he is about to face.
Julian Vincenzo RicciDirector
Julian Vincenzo RicciWriter
Andrea SavinoKey Cast"Uomo"
Tommaso LorenziKey Cast"Benzinaio"
Tommaso MongelliKey Cast"Anziano"
Virginia Luisa RicciKey Cast"Donna"
Irma PagnanelliKey Cast"Anziana"
James Alexander P. BartleyKey Cast"Amico"
Julian Vincenzo RicciDirector of Photography
Tommaso LorenziAssistant Director
Virginia Luisa RicciAssistant Director
Virginia Luisa RicciEditing and Colorist
May BretzelBoom Operator
Antonio GabbrielliniTranslator and Subtitler
Claudio SabbatiniSecretary
DELOSoundMusicFree License Pixabay
Boris SkalskyMusicFree License Storyblocks
bzurMusicFree License Storyblocks
Emi NishidaMusicFree License Storyblocks
Saowakhon MediaMusicFree License Storyblocks
Virginia Luisa RicciGaffer and Make-Up
Andrea PisaniPhotographer
Tommaso LorenziPhotographer
Virginia Luisa RicciPhotographer
Julian Vincenzo RicciGraphics
JV ProductionsProducer
La Compagnia di NerinoSpecial Thanks
Project Type:Short
Genres:Drama, Thriller, Satirical, Surreal, Neo-Noir
Runtime:15 minutes
Completion Date:February 21, 2025
Production Budget:100 EUR
Country of Origin:Italy
Country of Filming:Italy
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Julian Vincenzo Ricci was born in Pisa in 2001. He fell in love with movies since his most tender age and quickly decided to study performing arts to become a screenwriter and film director.
He started filming amateur shorts and movies ever since he was a child, showing a promising passion and attention to details.
His academic background brought him to walk a professional path, his thoughts never too far from his beloved zombies.