A Long Alone
The record of discontinued time and place, from dying alone to discovery.
One year period after a person’s solitary death is shown in time-lapse. Inside the house, there are traces of his fierce life, and the audience can guess his life by following the traces. The house stays at the time of his death. On the contrary, the exterior landscape constantly changes, giving a feeling of contrast to the house. A year later, his body is found, and the scene of his death is cleared by special cleaners.
Eun-a YEODirectorCocoon, Rose Motel
Eun-a YEOWriterCocoon, Rose Motel
Eun-a YEOProducerCocoon, Rose Motel
Project Title (Original Language):유령이 떠난 자리
Project Type:Animation
Runtime:7 minutes 41 seconds
Completion Date:January 25, 2023
Country of Origin:Korea, Republic of
Country of Filming:Korea, Republic of
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
The 27th Bucheon International Fantastic Film FestivalBucheon
Korea, Republic of
July 1, 2023
World Premiere
Official Selection -
The 10th National Road Independent Film FestivalMokpo
Korea, Republic of
August 18, 2023
Official Selection -
The 24th Daegu Independent Short Film FestivalDaegu
Korea, Republic of
August 25, 2023
Korean Competition -
The 19th Indie-Anifest (Seoul Independent Animation Festival)Seoul
Korea, Republic of
September 14, 2023
🏆 Korean Short Competition - Jury Special Prize -
The 25th Bucheon International Animation FestivalBucheon
Korea, Republic of
October 20, 2023
International Competition & Korean Competition -
The 23rd Jeonbuk Independent Film FestivalJeonju
Korea, Republic of
October 27, 2023
🏆 Short Competition - Grand Prize -
The 3rd Seongbuk Film FestivalSeoul
Korea, Republic of
November 11, 2023
🏆 Short Competition - Grand Prize -
Philadelphia Asian American Film Festival 2023Philadelphia
United States
November 2, 2023
North American Premiere
🏆 Short Film Program - Best Experimental Short -
The 49th Seoul Independent Film FestivalSeoul
Korea, Republic of
December 1, 2023
Short Competition
Distribution Information
VARIFILMSDistributorCountry: Korea, Republic ofRights: All Rights
Animation director from Pohang, South Korea. YEO graduated from Sangmyung University – Digital Contents in 2013 and Korean Academy of Film Arts(KAFA) – Animation Department in 2015. Her debut short animated film ‘Cocoon’(2015) was selected at various film festivals worldwide including Annecy Festival, Sakhalin International Film Festival, and Mise-en-scène Short Film Festival, and won the Grand Prize for Graduation Film at BIAF2015, KIAFA Special Prize at the Indie-Anifest. YEO directed feature animation ‘Rose Motel’(2018), and the short animation ‘Midnight Horror Cinema’(2020).
대한민국 포항 출신 애니메이션 감독. 상명대학교 디지털콘텐츠(2013), 한국영화아카데미 애니메이션전공을 졸업했다(2015). 첫 연출작인 흑백 단편 애니메이션 <고치>(2015)는 안시국제애니메이션영화제, 사할린국제영화제, 미쟝센단편영화제를 비롯한 국내외 여러 영화제에서 상영되었으며, 인디애니페스트 독립보행 KIAFA 특별상, 부천국제애니메이션페스티벌 학생부문 대상을 수상했다. 장편 애니메이션 <장미여관>(2018), 단편 애니메이션 <심야상영관>(2020)을 연출했다.
The video was made with modeling the actual background when cleaning the room. I wanted to say and alert that a solitary death can happen to anyone, with not showing a specific person’s
실제로 특수청소를 진행했던 배경을 모델로 영상을 제작하였다. 인물의 모습을 삭제함으로써 고독사가 누구에게나 일어날 수 있는 일이라는 경각심을 주고 싶었다.