Private Project


Everything is surrounded by livid blue.
The warm sun in summer's beginning appears for the first time,
to accompany the awakening of a silent and immobile nature.
In a wide valley, between white rocks and dark grass,
naked bodies, wrecks, residues and twisted sounds make the scenario
looking post apocalyptic, while it only is the result of a rave from the night before.
In the woods nearby, Clara, a 24 years old girl from the roman suburbs, aching and disenchanted, with constantly swollen and sleepy eyes, walks holding the phone in one hand, when she encounters a deer. In the hope of capturing that enchanting image, she points the phone towards the animal, like a hunter takes up his shotgun.
While trying to catch that image, the phone turns off, leaving behind only a doubt and a sweet memory. A journey through a day starts now, from the woods to the suburbs. The research of a phone charger that will lead a girl to confront different characters, remarking the memory of an encounter, making it more unforgettable than before. A research that goes on through a corrupted memory.
All the work of a day, from the sunrise till dark night. And over there, summer suburbs. Dusty and unresponsive.
As scorching lime.

  • Alain Parroni
    IOV, Il Miracolo, DRUDO, Aeterna, Macaroni
  • Alain Parroni
    IOV, Il Miracolo, DRUDO, Aeterna, Macaroni
  • Elisabetta Ariemma
  • Valeria Belardelli
    Key Cast
  • Lorenzo Costa
    Key Cast
  • Michela Hickox
    Key Cast
  • Girolamo Capuano
  • Flavia Scardini
    1st Assistant Director
    Drudo, Macaronì, IOV, Appocundria
  • Denny De Angelis
    Sound Engenieer
  • Francesco Filosa
    Prod. Designer
  • Eleonora Sergio
    Make-up Artist
  • Fabio Mollo
    School Tutor
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    20 minutes
  • Completion Date:
    August 15, 2017
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    Digital + Film
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • 74. Mostra del cinema di Venezia (Settimana Internazionale della Critica)
    September 4, 2017
  • Rome Cine Fest - Alice Nelle Città
  • 17. Un Festival C'est trop Court
    October 20, 2017
    South France -Premiere
    "Grand Prix"
  • 24. ARICPELAGO Film festival
    December 10, 2017
    "Best National FILM"
  • 59. ZINEBI – Bilbao International Festival of documentary and short film 2017
    November 10, 2017
    "Official Selection"
  • 4. LFF - Lamezia Film Fest
    November 18, 2017
    "European Award - Best Actress"
  • 5. On the Road Film Festival
    October 26, 2017
    "Official Selection"
  • 22. LDO - Linea d'ombra Film Festival
    December 9, 2017
    "Official Selection"
  • 3. Ivelise Cine Festival
    December 3, 2017
    "Best Cinematography"
  • 2. Giro Giro Corto
    December 11, 2017
    "Official Selection"
  • CSCI - Mostra de Cinema Italià de Barcelona 2017
    December 17, 2017
    " Best Short Film"
  • 24° Visioni Italiane
    Official Selection
Director Biography - Alain Parroni

Alain Parroni was born in Rome, 1992. After completing secondary school, getting the diploma in arts of Graphics and Photography at the Art Institute of Pomezia, where he learns the cinematic fundamentals of the traditional animation motion picture, continues its path by exploring the many connections between graphic design and motion picture, making his debut by co-directing one of the episodes of the animation picture AETERNA.
In 2015, Stefan Seigmaster, graphic design guru, is persuaded by him during the RUFA Contest and this awards Alain a job interview in New York with Seigmaster, who will help him grow in the visual art field and to live a period in the Big Apple. From 2014, he researches and realizes different products, together with the THREEAB team, born in the Rome University of Fine Arts, being recognized with many awards, like “Best Direction” for the short film DRUDO in the 48 hours film project 2015, winning piece in the Atlanta Filmapalooza 2016, and finally a special mention during the appointment of roman “nastri d'argento” 2016, for the short film “IL MIRACOLO”. In 2016, the jury of RUFA contest 2016, chaired by canadian designer Karim Rashid, rewarded him for an experimental project on the spaces where he grew up, made in VR. In the same year he presented the IOV short film at the Rome Film Festival in the “Alice nelle Città” section, a short film in which he was involved in the meticulous reconstruction of an Arctic environment, treat, the film, the shipwreck of the ITALY airship at the north pole, in the laying theater and will win first place in the "ITALIAN CINEMA NOW" category of the Venice Film Week.. In 2017 he graduated with 110 and was honored in the Arts of Cinematography at the Rome University of Fine Arts and his short film "Adavede" is presented at the 74th International Venice Film Festival in the International Critics Week and selected in competition at the 59th edition of the Zinebi International Bilbao Festival. In the same year, in the early months he began to attend the Regia course at the Experimental Center of Cinematography in Rome and to work as Street Casting at Indigo Film s.r.l. for the film "Loro" by Paolo Sorrentino.

Alain Parroni nasce nel 1992 nella provincia di Roma. Dopo aver concluso gli studi superiori diplomandosi in Arte della Grafica e della Fotografia presso l'Istituto Statale d'Arte di Pomezia, luogo in cui apprende anche le principali tecniche del cinema d' animazione tradizionali partecipando più volte con brevi corti d'animazione alla rassegna "Castelli Animati". Esordisce nel 2012 con la co-regia a uno degli episodi del film AETERNA di Leonardo Carrano. Nel 2015 con THER’S ONLY A MOMENT convince Stefan Segmaister nell'ambito del RUFA Contest, aggiudicandosi un incontro di lavoro a New York con il guru del Grapich Design, che lo porterà a crescere nell'ambito delle arti visive e di vivere un periodo nella Grande Mela. Dal 2014 sperimenta e realizza diversi prodotti audiovisivi insieme al collettivo THREEAB formatosi all'interno della Rome University of Fine Arts, con il quale riceve diversi riconoscimenti internazionali, tra cui il premio "miglior regia" al 48 Hours Film Project 2015 per il cortometraggio DRUDO, prodotto che lo porterà al Filmapalooza di Atlanta ottenendo ottimi riscontri aggiudicandosi il premio a livello mondiale "Miglior Attrice" ( Giada Colafrancesco). Nel 2016 presenta il cortometraggio IOV al Festival del Cinema di Roma nella sezione Alice nelle Città, cortometraggio in cui si è cimentato nella minuziosa ricostruzione di un ambiente Artico, trattando il naufragio del dirigibile ITALIA al Polo Nord, in teatro di posa e che vincerà il primo posto nella categoria “ITALIAN CINEMA NOW” della Venice film Week. Lo stesso anno riceve una mezione speciale ai Nastri d’Argento 2016 per la co-regia del cortometraggio: IL MIRACOLO. La giura del RUFA contest 2016, presieduta dal designer Karim Rashid, lo premia per per un progetto sperimentale, A CASA OVUNQUE sui luoghi e gli spazi dov'è cresciuto, utilizzando una tecnica d’avanguardia in VR. Nel 2017 si laurea con Lode in Arti della Cinematografia presso la Rome University of Fine Arts e il suo corto di diploma “Adavede” viene presentato alla 74. Mostra internazionale del Cinema di Venezia nella cornice della Settimana Internazionale della Critica e selezionato in concorso alla 59 edizione del Festival internazionale Zinebi di Bilbao. Lo stesso anno, nei primi mesi inizia a frequentare il corso di Regia base al Centro sperimentale di Cinematografia di Roma e a lavorare come Street Casting per il film “Loro” di Paolo Sorrentino

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