The concept of "below the visible" refers to anything that is hidden, invisible or not immediately apparent, but nevertheless exerts an influence or impact on visible or superficial reality. This concept is often used in philosophical, scientific or artistic contexts to explore what lies beyond appearances.

In philosophy, "below the visible" can reflect the idea that there are deeper, more complex truths, meanings, or realities that are beyond what we can observe or perceive with our senses. This concept invites deeper reflection on the existence and nature of the world, prompting us to explore what may be beyond the surface of things.

In science, "below the visible" can refer to phenomena or structures that are too small or too large to observe directly, or that require special tools and technologies to study. For example, in particle physics, subatomic particles are below the level of direct visibility, but their existence and behavior can be studied through experiments and theories.

In art and literature, "below the visible" can be a recurring theme that invites artists to explore the world of the unconscious, deep emotions and symbolic meanings. Artists may seek to express that which cannot be seen with the eyes but can be perceived through imagination or intuition.

In summary, "below the visible" is a concept that prompts us to consider what is beyond the surface, encouraging us to explore the depths, complexities and hidden truths that shape the world and our experience of it.

  • Riccardo Maffioli
  • Genres:
    blackandwhite, fantasy, photo, digital, astrat, bw
  • Country of Origin:
  • Camera:
  • Student Project:
  • European Art Festival

    September 1, 2023
    Award Winner
  • Avalonia Photography Competition
    Jacksonville, FL 32258 USA
    June 28, 2023
    Award Winner
Artist Biography

Nato a Brescia il 22 agosto 1961.
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