Iconic Horror Portraits by Horrify Me
A collection of horror icons and portraits created by Horrify Me studio in the UK
Rick JonesPhotographer
Rick JonesMakeup, Lighting and Digital Edits
Date Taken:October 31, 2015
Country of Origin:United Kingdom
Camera:Nikon D810
Lens:Sigma Prime
Focal Length:50mm
Shutter Speed:250
ISO / Film:250
Student Project:No
National Photography AwardUK
May 10, 2014
Creative Image Award -
SCAR Award - ScareTour UKUK
May 13, 2016
Excellence in Creativity and Design
Born 1970.
Rick was a huge fan of horror from childhood, growing up with Hammer films and enjoying the golden era of horror during the 1980s. To this very day, his passion for horror films and art has never dimmed. Rick has always been a highly creative individual, working in creative industries his entire adult life after studying art and design. At the moment, he runs his own business working in design, graphics and photography, and bringing professional horror portraiture into his portfolio of work has yielded some surprising successes including a highly prized scare industry award, regular publication, and a stellar reputation as one of the UK's top creative horror photographers.
My work is inspired from a very rich history of horror, from the old classics of Universal through the era of George A Romero and Tom Savini. This work is a true passion, and every image is crafted with a real love for the subject. I focus on horror portraiture employing a range of makeup and lighting styles, dramatic performance, and plenty of fake blood.