Rev On the Red Line
In 1979, two groups of teens react with nostalgia, rebellion & face paced adrenaline, as they face the last few months of their hometown.
In 1979 in a small Pennsylvania town, two groups of teens cope with the knowing of being relocated from their first hometown.
An underground mine fire has made living in Centerville impossible. The decision is made to relocate the residents to safer areas.
After the closing of a main highway, which runs next to the town, a group of older teens start a summer of partying and drag racing on the closed highway.
A group of younger teens, spend their last summer in their town exploring many firsts. They stop worrying about making the little league team, and start wondering what being an older teen is really like.
Vince & Tony Catizone and their friends, push the limits of authority, as they make The Highway an adrenaline filled quarter mile statement.
Jim Catizone & his friends Steve and Pat, supercharge their race into maturity, while they watch their adolescence fade away.
The Catizone family is only one of hundreds of families, who must leave their hometown behind.
As the summer winds down, the story-lines thicken and dish out real & sometimes tragic situations.
(C) 2016 - Jim Catizone
Jim CatizoneWriterThe Italian Restaurant
Project Type:Screenplay
Number of Pages:128
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No
Industry BOOST CompetitionLos Angeles, CA
April 30, 2017
I grew up in a small Pennsylvania town. I am one of six children born into a large Italian family. The fun fact about my youth is that I grew up in Centralia, PA. A town that is famous for a mine fire that burned under the town for almost 50 years.
As I grew up, most of my work experience was restaurant, retail and sales oriented. My family were always involved in the restaurant business and I continue to work in that industry today.
Between 2003-2005 I decided to attend college for Broadcast Communications and Journalism Communications. I obtained two Associates Degrees in both Majors. The local job scene for both of these degrees in the Scranton, PA area, was not lucrative. I continued to work in the service industry, due to the influx of good money which that business brings.
I've always had an interest in movies/film. I quickly learned that, that said influence was steering me toward wanting to write. I started to write a screenplay based upon the restaurant industry. My focus was to try to depict what it was really like to work as a server in the industry. This led to my first original and feature length screenplay.. 'The Italian Restaurant'. I spent many years developing and writing 'The Italian Restaurant'. Over the past few years, I've taken that script through many changes.
Although, I still work full time in the service industry, my hobby/passion is writing. Since the beginning, I've now written six original feature screenplays and adapted one.
I'm developing my IMDB page to help get myself out there. In an industry that is saturated with thousands of screenwriters, we need all the help and exposure that we can get.
I currently live in the Scranton, Pennsylvania area. I work full time for a Philadelphia based company called 'Harvest Seasonal Grill and Wine Bar'. I really enjoy my job and really believe in my company. However; I secretly look forward to the day when writing could be a full time gig for me.
My name is James Catizone you can reach me at