Gauchos: If you don't get on, you won't fall off
Gauchos: If you don’t get on, you won’t fall off is a film about people who live life through risk. Men who always get back on, no matter how often they will fall off. Gauchos find their luck on the back of a horse. For them, freedom means to ride off not knowing what they will eat, where they will sleep or when they will come back.
Some people believe that the South American cowboy has died out; that fences, stables, and machines have replaced him. But somebody who loves what he does will not give it up that easily.
The gaucho has indeed survived and is still living today. He has adapted himself to the modern world and may have to work additionally in a slaughterhouse, an office or as a nurse, but he is by no means less of a gaucho.
To be a gaucho is a passion. It is passed on from father to son, or daughter. You have to learn to be a gaucho but there are no schools which teach it. Here in the Argentinean mountains, the horse is the teacher and shows the human being the most important things in life. It demands of its rider patience, endurance, stamina, perseverance, intelligence and the talent of improvisation. And in return it offers faith, trust, obedience, strength and energy.
To ride and to be a good rider means to hold your body in balance. If the body is in balance, your soul is in balance too. That is the moment where you can reach whatever you want. You just have to get on and not be afraid to fall off.
Jana RichterDirector
Jana RichterProducer
Jesus TolabaKey Cast
Roberto MenaKey Cast
Sergio RodriguezKey Cast
Hugo VeraKey Cast
Nestor MamaniKey Cast
Jose MelladoKey Cast
Alexander HeinzeSounddesign
Carlos AbanMusic
Martin MoyaMusic
Jana RichterCamera
Jana RichterEditing
Project Title (Original Language):Gauchos: El que no sube, no cae
Project Type:Documentary
Runtime:1 hour 25 minutes
Completion Date:April 3, 2009
Country of Origin:Germany
Country of Filming:Argentina
Shooting Format:HDV
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:Yes
Latin American Film Festival (LAFF) Utrecht 2009, The Netherlands
Astra Film Festival 2009, Sibiu, Romania
Int. Documentary Film Festival 2009, Kassel, Germany
Romania International Film Festival (Ro-IFF), Arad, Romania
“Best Documentary Award” -
Kathmandu Mountain Film Festival 2009 (KIMFF), Nepal
3rd Women Film Festival 2010, Chennai, India
Dokfilmwoche Hamburg 2010, Germany
“Cronograf” Int. Film Festival of Moldova 2010
Prize for “Best Image” -
Ethnocineca 2010, Vienna, Austria
Dialektus Festival 2010, Budapest, Hungary
„Golden Deer Award“ -
5th Moscow International Festival and Scholarly Conference of Visual Anthropology „Mediating Camera“, 2010, Russia
8th Latin American Film Festival Buenos Aires 2010, Argentina
Atlantidoc 2010, 4. Festival Internacional de Cine documental del Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
Int. Festival „Days of ethnographic film“ (DEF) 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia
International Ethnographic Film Festival of Quebec (FIFEQ) 2011, Canada
LICHTER Filmtage 2011, Frankfurt Rhein-Main, Germany
Beeld voor Beeld 2011, Bogota, Colombia
XVI. Int. TV Ecological Film Festival 2012, Xanty-Mansiysk, Russia
Wildlife Vaasa, International Nature Film Festival 2012, Vaasa, Finland
“Special award of Metsähallitus”
born in 1978 in Magdeburg, Germany
2009 graduated from Film and Television Department at the University of Arts in Kassel (Prof. Yana Drouz, Prof. David Safarian)
2010 founded RICHTER PRODUCTION and realized films in Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, Mongolia, Germany
Member of NUR film group
Filmography (Documentaries):
2015 TRACES OF WAR, 55 min, Nagorno Karabakh
2014 RISING, 7.20 min, Germany
2012 THE GREATNESS OF MAN, 30 min, Cuba
2010 CHOLITA LIBRE: If you don't fight, you've already lost, 70 min, Bolivia
2009 GAUCHOS: If you don't get on, you won't fall off, 85 min, Argentina