6SENSE is a hybrid documentary short that tells the story of Mxshi Mo, a young artist from Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa who, whilst dealing with gradual decline into blindness, finds a hidden talent in Gqom music production. Giving him the ability to connect through sound with the world and shine a light out of his own personal darkness.
The film follows Mxshi’s early life, dealing with his own realization around his loss of sight, to his finding of music as an outlet. After connecting through More Time Records with artists in the UK via the internet he began to get his music heard worldwide, eventually releasing one of the first ever fully collaborative UK x SA future afro albums “Nkanyiso”. Whilst still dealing with the increasing loss of sight due to his condition “Retinitis Pigmentosa'' Mxshi began to find a way through technology to continue to make music without sight as well as connect with the world through his other senses.
6SENSE is directed by duo Amílcar Patel and Chris Kets and is a KAMVA Collective production.
Chris KetsDirector
Amílcar PatelDirector
Amílcar PatelWriter
Chris KetsWriter
Amílcar PatelProducer
Nkanyiso ShobaKey Cast"Mxshi Mo"
Project Type:Documentary, Short
Genres:Music, Hybrid
Runtime:30 minutes
Completion Date:December 1, 2023
Production Budget:42,000 USD
Country of Origin:South Africa
Country of Filming:South Africa
Language:English, Zulu
Shooting Format:Digital UHD 4K
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Amílcar Patel works to counter prevailing stereotypes of Africa, helping to to tell more nuanced stories. She has explored new forms of digital broadcasting conceptualizing an audio-visual series linking African diasporic electronic musicians to a worldwide audience, exhibiting at various international art galleries and museums.
Chris Kets formalized his hybrid approach through music video, documentary and online curation. Focusing on finding the magical elements of real life stories. Chris’ latest works focus on subculture, underground histories and cultural activism.
6SENSE tells the story of Mxshi Mo and his gradual decline into blindness. After finding a hidden talent in Gqom music production - Mxshi begins to connect to the world through sound, shining a light out of his own personal darkness.
The film follows Mxshi’s early life growing up in rural South Africa, where he deals with his own realization around his loss of sight, to eventually finding music as an outlet. After connecting through More Time Records with artists in the UK via the internet he begins to get his music heard worldwide, releasing one of the first ever fully collaborative UK x SA future afro albums “Nkanyiso”. While still dealing with the increasing loss of sight due to his condition “Retinitis Pigmentosa'' Mxshi began to find a way through technology to continue to make music without sight as well as connect to the world through his other senses.