Keep Your Friends Close
When Brian Spencer suspects his best friend Adam is abusing his power spying on people including Brian and his fiancé, Brian must outwit Adam before his business, reputation and life are ruined in the process.
Evolution in internet technologies and capabilities has resulted in a billion dollar industry. When Brian Spencer, a recently unemployed Executive turned entrepreneur focuses his attention on addressing a growing need in home and personal security, fame and fortune soon follow. With new found success and a new love interest Brian finds his friendship will be tested. Suspicions arise that security capabilities are being abused to invade people’s privacy and a game of wits begins. Lives will forever be changed, friends quickly become enemies and trust is a thing of the past.
Project Type:Screenplay
Genres:Drama, Thriller
Number of Pages:116
Country of Origin:United States
First-time Screenwriter:No
Student Project:No
Born in Augusta GA, James Barber has spent the majority of his life developing entertaining stories that have been shared with family and friends for personal entertainment. James used his talent for inspiring, persuasion, writing, and storytelling to start and grow a successful IT company. He has now decided to pursue his dream of creating screenplays to entertain children with animated stories that deliver subtle messages to his audience.
He has managed Top Secret projects as a part of his IT career, as well as served as a research scientist at NASA studying the atmosphere. These careers have inspired him to create dramatic science fiction stories full of advanced technology, conspiracies and unexpected twists.
My goal is to inspire children, captivate adults and make audiences wonder about the plausibility of possibility.