Experiencing Interruptions?


Maryana is one woman who climbs into a taxi searching for her true essence and her freedom in a never endless journey.
This trip will never end. She knows is supposed to be like that and the World goes on rather she want or not

  • Luis Dias
  • Luís Dias
  • Luís Dias
  • Ana Luisa Costa
    Key Cast
    "Maryanna "
  • João Pedro
    Key Cast
    "Taxi Driver"
    Non professional
  • Clara Leh - Voice off
    Key Cast
    Non professional
  • Luis Dias - Voice off
    Key Cast
  • Credits soundtrack - Projecto MAMUTE by Nuno Sarafa / Nuno Monteiro
    Joana Espadinha, X-Wife, David Fonseca
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
    Fiction, Drama, Triller, Suspense
  • Runtime:
    19 minutes 39 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    June 1, 2018
  • Production Budget:
    3,000 EUR
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
    Digital Full High Definition
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • Curtas ao Acaso Film Festival
    October 7, 2017
    Special Screening Exibition Curtas Ao Acaso Film Festival
  • Film Festival ShortCutz 2019
    January 8, 2019
    Oficial Selection - Best Short Film Competition
  • Lift Off Amsterdam 2020
    October 18, 2020
    Lift Off Amsterdam Official Selection Best Short Film Competition Category
  • Near Nazareth Festival
    March 11, 2017
    Film Festival Participant
  • Phantazmagorija Festival
    Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of
    December 11, 2019
    Screening Event
  • Beveren Independent Short Film Festival
    July 16, 2017
    Nominee | Semi Finalist
    April 5, 2022
    Official Selection Best Internacional Short Film Competition Category
  • PACIFIC International Film Festival

    April 6, 2022
    Best Internacional Short Film Competition Category
  • Manila independent Film Festival
    Official Selection Best International Short Film
Director Biography - Luis Dias

New, but not first-time director from Lisbon, Portugal. After passing a few months in Paris, with breve passages in Minsk, Budapest, and Israel, living now in Barcelona, Spain.
Writting new project(s) to be developed in cinema before, after, and since I arrived in Paris, I was registered in La Maison de Film Court, a cinema association that officially supports independent cinema in Paris and France. In the months that I have passed in the City of Light, I start to build one project named Inside Atlas (2017 | 2023).
Born in Moçambique in 1976. two years after the Portuguese revolution.
After being part of some Award Winning crew teams, I realize that I have the will to do more in the path that I have chosen, the cinema path, if I may say it.
At the age of 41 and a 12-year professional career in video, television, and film, a License Degree in Cinema and Video, among other works, with participation in the biggest beauty contests in the World, such as Miss Universe and Miss World, in the image department, I felt the need to definitely "jump" to the freedom to make movies and to explore all the possibilities in the roles assigned to the actors, who gave me the strength to do, especially in this case of the short film Essence On Time Frames, the monologue, who took to be written for about 2 years.
The image, the narrative structure and the lyrics who complete the final credits and make the film final objective accomplished. Till the last frames. I can proudly say that was filmed in the larger avenue in Lisbon. In Avenida da Liberdade (Liberty Avenue), on a very special night, in the night of 21st october, in the same day that the Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, was elected.
Having the ability to observe some important situations in the World, I evoke some of them in this short film, especially some of those situations that involve us all every day and every night. I used to say that this movie talks about what we all have on us, but somehow we are not able to talk. Or we don't even know what to say about some subjects and situations that we have to deal on our common Lives. And how.
To know what is or could be good cinema or even cinema, by the message that is given to the viewer, by a solid narrative, quality, and mystery, even if it is not linear over time in action. And that's what this short film has to offer and show. I really hope you like it, because I really believe him. Since the beginning.
The Director,
Luis Dias

Jeune Cinéaste émergent. Né au Mozambique en 1976, deux ans après la révolution portuguaise ,
vit et réside à Lisbonne. Adhère en 2018 à la maison du Court de Paris.
Luis nous raconte :
«  C’est lors de mon passage à Paris, après 12 ans dans la vidéo, télévision, cinéma, et collaboration dans les plus grand festivals de la beauté ( Miss Universe (!) et Miss World ), que se rélève alors un réel goût esthétique, et que mes expériences dans le monde de la beauté, feront grandir en moi la création de film. Cette expérience, qui à révélé ce goût artistique, poétique et narratif donneront naissance à Essence On Time Frames, une oeuvre , un monologue, de l'image, une structure narrative et de la musique, donnant une seule intention ma création.

Je peux dire avec fierté que ce film a été filmé sur l'Avenida da Liberdade à Lisbonne lors d'une soirée très spéciale, dans la nuit du 21 octobre, le même jour que le Secrétaire général des Nations Unies a été élu.
 Ayant la possibilité d'observer certaines situations dans le monde, j’évoque certaines d'entre elles dans ce court métrage, en particulier certaines qui nous sont profondes.

J'avais l'habitude de dire que ce film parle de ce que nous avons tous à l’intérieur de nous, mais en quelque sorte, c’est difficile à exprimer ou partager, parfois nous ne savons pas quoi comment décrire cela.
Qu’est ce qu’un bon cinéma ou même du cinéma ?, existe t-il au travers du message donné au spectateur, grâce à un solide récit, à sa qualité, à son mystère ? Même s'il n'est pas linéaire ? Au fil du temps, des actions? Que nous offre ce court métrage ?

Le Directeur, Luis Dias 

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Director Statement

With a career in which creativity was overshadowed by the work as a camera operator, I decided to take a License degree in Cinema, in Lisbon, at the Lusofona University, so that with the knowledge already acquired, both in theory and in practice, I could put on screen what I want to show to the World.
I had 2 lesser forays in independent cinema, directed two short films, produce and direct this third, which was by far the best achieved, in terms of narrative, script, and even though photography is not the strong point of the film, I think is in accordance with a quality needed to have a well succeeded.
In fact, the short film project is a success, exceeding expectations even for those who appeal to the image department.
For reasons of the saturation over the People about the relation Public | Image in movement (Films) on our common days, instead of putting important issues that should be talked in a movie for the audiences, slowly and progressively are losing a lot, for issues pointed out above.
Narrative? Is the Essence on a film. Does it matters for the audience? Not as we want. Not as other seasons | years. Not to the big audience.
After 2 years of writing screenplays, with so much raw material that i can find to apply in Cinema, and with the desire that i had already some time to film in the middle of the biggest Avenue in Portugal, this one with a name who inspired the short film Essence on Time Frames, Avenida da Liberdade.
In the short film Essence on Time Frames, my passion for languages have a natural enfase, given in original words, "ecstasy" (original greek word for "transe" or in the exact meaning, "out of him / me"), leading us to soul / mind, who is said on the short film, the relation with the Original word and also touching other substances. Adamah (Hebrew) or even words that the audience understands only by the sense of the script, like "perene", which gives the meaning of "strong".
Portugal is one country that gives tremendous importance to the Portuguese Language is perhaps one of its greatest Patrimony and for it has become a challenge to make the text in English, but as I have said several times and always in defense of the Short Film, the subjects and expressions that I intend to assume, would hardly have the dynamism and the meaning that i want if it were spoken in Portuguese.
And more, the commun meaning of expressions in English, embrace and one diversity that brakes the limits of a portuguese language.
Living in a World situation that may turn chaotic in a question of hours, the urgency to do something and the will to give force to persons who have something to say and to inspire them, as Maryana says in the film, to have their conscience awakening, aware, shaken and something that could give them one identity.
There is why a surprise in the final plot or climax of this short film. From the identification with the character Maryana and on her words, with an environment that could provide a total and unexpected surprise and a complete turn on 180º, so sudden, so terrible, so "naked and ruff", into a peaceful, intense, and loved plot, putting Maryana in a very special neverending kind of reality. Her will? Our will? Or someone's will? Everyone's will. An open narrative gives us the chance to think about what could happen more. In that special future that this short film project is involved and the way he involves that audience. The love that I want that the audience feels for her, and the involvement in her words going to make them want to know and hear more from her.
With the aim of making matters as special as the Essence that makes us live, speak, observe the Good or Evil, the Light or Darkness and the Eternal questions that we think when we are alone, the suffering, the solutions that we search or is mainly our day-to-day affairs, with which we live every day, often dependent on the decisions of others, often different decisions that don't make part of our objectives and that affect us a lot, being able to ask us if we will ever be able to see our true Essence, or if we can ever enjoy a Freedom, which we should all have since we born. We are all born free and no conscious person inflicts on himself own suffering, and much for the decisions of others.
The conclusions that the audience could take by seeing this short film, so like the new perspectives from a new cinema generation, with a narrative where the time is relative and according to our minds is pretty much acceptable, with all the respect to a reality, fiction and the audience on the middle. The timelapses or the cut in time that the cinema could bring to the audience is one of the most fantastic things. And audience approval and love for what they see is one objective, meaning a good film and good cinema, give a new form to see the World. Maybe new perspectives from the future. In the past, because cinema stay forever and he was not if wasn't done.
When I wrote the screenplay for the Short Film, I have the perfect conscience that I do not live alone in the World, which awakened me even more about the necessity of taking care of some subject on canvas about what is done during the time to a World that already suffered the sufficient and probably was not by our choice. Innocent? No. A Sinner, yes. Not a criminal. I want to believe on that. In fact I do not defend wars, nor do I send thousands of soldiers to the front lines. nor do I command to make bombs of massive destruction that threaten Humanity. "When all Man realizes that the word Peace and Love are not just mere words invented and know and we all have this need, maybe the World will be better. You have to know that all Man and the World urgently seek and need those forms and to feel the meaning of those words. Take the decisions with which you govern from it. It is not objectives, it is Fundaments".
Maybe one day, always on Cinema.