Cultural Heritage at Risk
Diana KasemDirector
Diana KasemWriter
Gina Borromeo Ian Straughn Kate Irvin David Elitzer Sandy Nahhas (The narrator) Aya Cheaito (The Presenter) Milanda Maroke Siba Kasem Mos'ad As'ad & Yanal MansourKey Cast
Michael LevyKey CastMusic by Michael Levy The Old Hurrian Hymen (An interpretation of the oldest world music discovered in Ugarit) & Ancient Visions Album
Boutros Al MaariKey CastCaricature
Ayham JabrKey CastCollage
Wajih KasemKey CastHistorical Review
Sara GramelyKey CastLinguistic Review
Special thanks to RISD Museum Brown University: MCM Department & Rockefeller Library 7GATES 2017Key Cast
Bibliography Al-Attrach, R. (2017). The Silk In Syria. Ancient History, Modern Destruction: Assessing the current Status of Syria's World Heritage Sites Using High-Resolution Satellite Imagery Benjamin, W. (1935). The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction Bishop, C. (2003). Radical Museology, or what's 'contemporary' in contemporary in museums of contemporary art? Blythe, S. G. (2017). Lectures in Museum Interpretation Practices. Brown University Cities of Light - Glass Khaled al-Asa'ad. (2017). Wikipedia: Prown, J. D. (n.d.). Mind In Matter, An Introduction To Material Culture Theory And Method. RISD Museum website The Syrian Arab Republic. (n.d). UNESCO website Video: The Process of making glass videos are taken from YouTubeBibliography
Project Type:Documentary
Genres:Culture, Archaeology, Politics, Heritage, History, War, Cinema, art, museums, material culture, Documentary cinema, interpretation, curating, Exhibitions, Galleries, statues, textile, Glass, costumes, clothes, Damask, Damascus, Ugarit, Syria, Phoenicians, Civilizations
Runtime:52 minutes
Completion Date:June 30, 2017
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:Syrian Arab Republic, United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Film Color:Black & White and Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
Diana KasemCountry: United StatesRights: All Rights