Experiencing Interruptions?

(S)he (Plural)

A personal, non-narrative description of an intimate relationship in limbo, distant but not lost, relating the confusion of misunderstood evolutions. The work deals with the notion of equivalence and the ever-present potential for alternative perspectives concerning every aspect of a human relationship.

  • Scott MacLeay
    Relativity / Am, Am Not
  • Scott MacLeay
  • Scott MacLeay
  • Eliana Crisitina de Melo MacLeay
    Key Cast
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    4 minutes 49 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    October 27, 2016
  • Production Budget:
    500 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
    Black & White and Color
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Distribution Information
  • Scott MacLeay
    Country: Worldwide
    Rights: All Rights
Director Biography - Scott MacLeay

Scott MacLeay began his career in Vancouver in the late 70s and started experimenting with video in the early 80s at the American Center in Paris where he founded the photography department (1980) and later became Director of the Center for Media Art and Photography (1985-1987). His photographic works have been widely published and exhibited in museums and galleries worldwide.
During his 30 years in Paris he worked in the fields of photography, video and music creating and producing experimental works in collaboration with video artists, dancers and choreographers.
After moving to Brazil in 2010, he began focusing on new media creations in photography and video art, with a particular interest in interactive online creations. He also began curating exhibitions for Brazilian artists in museums and galleries in several state capitals.
He is the author of a series of essays entitled Thinking, Seeing, Feeling: Perception and Process in Photography (Editora Photos 2015) as well as of two collections of his works: Quadrichromie 1978-1988 (Creative Process 2018) and the interactive media book Encounters in the Right and Left Hemispheres (Creative Process 2020).

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Director Statement

I've always worked in several mediums at the same time. I need the perspective-altering experience provided by such an approach.
In all cases, I document situations that I create. They are impressions of what I think and feel about near and distant worlds. They are often elements that I set aside while I create others until I have enough to begin making images/sequences/videos. I am a gatherer. Some gathering is random; some is meticulously planned. I assemble these diverse elements and interfere with what I have created until I sense a strong emotional understanding of them as individual and/or societal situations.
While I start with a fairly clear idea of my destination, the details concerning the specific route to take are rarely evident at the outset. That is the role of interference. It obliges me to seek new paths, altering my perspective and enlightening my perception with new interrogations. The original idea and the route interact and evolve, stimulated by the interference that helps define both my life and my creative process.