In 2012, Benzin Crew, located in São Paulo – started production of feature SOROCHE. The group had been working with vídeo clips production in Brazil using basically Canon DLSR câmeras, like 7D and 5D. By that time, some Holywood productions were already using these cameras.
“If even american industry is using such cameras how come we don’t use them as well”
Starting from this point that producers started the project of doing a feature film with own resources. And after one month after the feature idealization the group went to Bolivia and Chile where for 15 days 10 hours were shot in locations like the Salar de Uyuni, Atacama desert and La Paz.
The quality of the material shot in Bolivia overcame the expectations. After going back to Brazil the group went after parterships to conclude the movie.
The movie counts as well with a Strong cast, made by famous and prestigious actors in Brazil like Thaide (2 Coelhos), Roberto Marchese (2 Coelhos), Serginho Hondjako (Malhação - Rede Globo), Emerson Groti (Cinderela), Yudi Tamashiro (SBT) and young talents like Ton Padro (Não sou Bistrô), Marcos Ferrian (Rebeldes), Carol Macedo (Fina Estampa - Rede Globo) and newcomers Diogo Jordão and Ferdi Gi.
It was 2 years of post production and movie was finally concluded in 2016.
Marco MatheusDirector
Marco MatheusWriter
Marcel MelfWriter
Cesar SpadellaProducer
Paulinho PestanaProducer
Diogo JordãoProducer
Paulo ManieroProducer
Pedro SayãoProducer
Diogo JordãoKey Cast
Ferdi GiKey Cast
ThaideKey Cast
Roberto MarcheseKey Cast
Project Type:Feature
Runtime:1 hour 12 minutes
Completion Date:May 22, 2016
Production Budget:20,000 USD
Country of Origin:Brazil
Country of Filming:Bolivia, Plurinational State of, Brazil, Chile
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:2.35:1
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
Cult Critic MovieKolkata
July 9, 2018
Cul Critic Movie Awards
Distribution Information
Google playCountry: BrazilRights: Video on Demand
iTunesCountry: BrazilRights: Video on Demand, Pay Per View
Vimeo ON DEMANDCountry: BrazilRights: Internet, Video on DemandCountry: Brazil
NOWCountry: BrazilRights: Internet, Video on Demand
Founder of the collective Benzin.Tv, Marco Matheus is a film director and graphic artist. He began his audiovisual career in the collective of Vjs EMBOLEX, going through several producers and agencies such as Supernova, Publicis, Great and others. In his career, he directed three feature films, Soroche, released by O2 and awarded as "BEST CULT CLASSIC FILM" at the International Festival Cult Critic Movie Awards, the film Wanderlust - Liberdade sem Limite and production North American Scam Republic. Marco gave workshops on the Alpha Channel: "How to produce a movie without spending a real "and" Music Video Production "
Marco is also the director of the documentary "TSURUMI BOYS" performed in Japan in 2018 and more than 60 clips for various artists such as Thaíde, Yudi Tamashiro, 2 Africanos, Daniel Peixoto and others.
Among his most prominent clips are Yudi's "Virado no Jiraya," and Kamikazze's "Tirando Onda", considered the clip of the year in the PODE SER PEPSI contest in 2012. With stripped style, it is known for graphic interventions, precise editing and lots of color.
I´ve noticed that some of the best film prodctions in the world were using the DLSR, that's when I realized I had all the necessary stuff to shoot a movie. I invited some professionals who used to work with me shooting video clips in Brazil and we traveled to Bolivia to shoot Soroche at the Salar de Uyuni, in my opinion the most beautiful place on earth.
The script was written according to the funds we raised and the partnerships we made until the editing of the movie, and honestly, I didn't know what was about to come. Today I am very proud to have finished the film.
Indeed it's not perfect, but I feel like there is a soul in it, it's like the movie is alive.