Egypts Oasis: Wonders Of Fayoum
Far out in the middle of the desert of Egypt toward Libya, nestled away emerges a paradise, the oasis of Fayoum. For thousands of years this unique landscape has hosted farmers, potters, nomads and pharaohs. A one of a kind tradition, that has continued up to this very day. We set out as a group deep into the desert to discover the off the beaten track, exploring 4000 year old temples, protected by ferocious beasts, with mysterious underground chambers, we see the burials of the men and women who lived in the oasis, where they exported wine across their known world, visit a valley that was once ocean floor millions of years ago, And see an ancient way of life unchanged for millennia. We have the adventure of a lifetime, in one of the most magical and beautiful places in all of Egypt, come with to discover the wonders of fayoum.
Curtis Ryan WoodsideDirectorSecrets Of Giza, Egyptian Secrets At The Vatican, The Daughters Of Tutankhamun, Nefertiti's Daughters, Egypt Through The Ages, Fear Of Hue, Ancient Egyptian Family Feud
Project Type:Documentary, Television, Web / New Media, Other
Genres:Ancient History, Egyptology, Travel, Desert Life
Runtime:1 hour
Completion Date:March 7, 2023
Country of Origin:Egypt
Country of Filming:Egypt, Germany, Italy
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Distribution Information
CRW PRODUCTIONSDistributorCountry: WorldwideRights: All Rights, Internet, Video on Demand, Pay Per View, Hotel, Airline, Ship, Theatrical, Video / Disc, Free TV, Paid TV, Console / Handheld Device
Curtis Ryan Woodside, film-maker & Egyptologist, 15 March 1995 in South Africa, relocated to Florence Italy 2021. To date has 32 Film Festivals, amassing 20 Million YouTube views. Aged 12 he had told Celine Dion his passion was film. She invited him to Las Vegas at age of 15 to create a documentary. In 2012 he produced Fear Of Hue narrated by Daniel Radcliffe. 2017 he visited Egypt & produced a documentary, after his visit he began to study Egyptology producing a 4 part series which was distributed by Amazon Prime. 2019, publishing a coffee table book with over 500 photographs that he captured in Egypt. In recent years he has produced several documentaries on Ancient Egypt. Creating these documentaries he has worked alongside esteemed Egyptologists such a Dr Zahi Hawass & Salima Ikram.