Experiencing Interruptions?

War of Colors

Set in America, a young Black woman with white skin due to Albinism struggles to fit in with society.

  • Emir Kumova
    Dream of Aces
  • Emir Kumova
  • Emir Kumova
  • Donald Nguyen
  • Jason Quan
  • Diandra Forrest
    Key Cast
  • Curtis J. McDaniel
    Key Cast
  • Christopher Brendan Kistan
    Kommando 1944, Dream of Aces
  • J.M Quintana Camara
    Paper Boats, Defenseless, Dream of Aces
  • Project Type:
  • Genres:
  • Runtime:
    19 minutes 11 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    January 6, 2022
  • Country of Origin:
    United States
  • Country of Filming:
    United States
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Emir Kumova

Emir Kumova was born and raised in Istanbul, Turkey.
He moved to Los Angeles in 2011 to attend Pepperdine University, CA and graduated in 2015 with a B.A. in Film Studies. He has worked as an editor in Ad & Branding companies in Los Angeles.
His personal works have been screened in LA Shorts, Golden Gate International Film Festival, Newport Beach Film Festival, Izmir International Film Festival and others. For his works, he has received awards for Best Director, Best Editing, Best Script.
War of Colors is his third short film that he wrote, produced, directed and edited.

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Director Statement

Before embarking on the journey of making War of Colors, my knowledge about Albinism was similar to most people's. I knew very little about the community and I was unaware of the struggles it brings to people.
The self-acceptance struggle I had in my own life helped me shape the story on a personal level, as I had Vitiligo since the age of 15. As I was writing the story, I realized that I too have not accepted the way I am just like the lead character Rue; covering my white spots on my skin, and my white eyelash and mustache with black dye, to end the stares, and to look “normal”.

What I learned about Albinism made my vision and knowledge broader. People with Albinism(PWA) get a really rough ride, and it’s even worse in their teens.

Albinism is not a contagious disease nor make people not “normal”. With the right education to society, PWA can have a place in society same as people without the condition.
PWA can also achieve a successful life just like anybody else can, with the right support from childhood.

The world is full of stereotypes, not just for PWA, but for everyone who look different than what society deems “normal”.
If a lot of people say it enough, it becomes true, it’s construct.
These constructs have to be broken and end the the war of colors in our world.
There is only one race, the human race.

Emir Kumova