The lullaby of Jal

There's this room from Texas with big red letters like a music hall. Inside it is a crowd in a fog of sweat. Hubbub, hubbub. Did you see ? Ha they took it apart. Who is it for? Good evening welcome. Good evening, take a seat. Good evening welcome. Two wrestlers stretch out in a corner. There is one with red overalls, the other is naked and hairy. They start to knock over chairs and tables. Crash crash crash. The crowd loudly applauds the spills of sweet cakes and drinks on the floor. An old rickety teacher walks by and gets scared, the table makes a lot of noise on the floor. The retiree starts a heart attack, his heart squeezes hard in his chest. The sharp pinches in his body and the thorns in his legs. His breathing is a jolt. The crowd apprehends. The old woman takes out her survival kit and pricks her wrinkled arm with a syringe. It regulates the heartbeat. The blood circulates again through the meat pipes. The show resumes.

  • charles menut
  • Project Type:
    Music Video
  • Runtime:
    49 minutes 44 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    December 14, 2020
  • Country of Origin:
  • Film Color:
    Black & White
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - charles menut

To avoid falling into these tiring hallucinations.
I keep my eyelids open.
Tenant with toothpicks.
Stand along the wall.
Watching the yellow and blue waves emanating from the apartment.

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