Private Project

The Little Ones

The Little Ones guide us through the elements on an enchanting journey to the land of the dead. The journey is a rite of passage, not just for them, but for us too.
To get there they must discover sacred truths hidden in forgotten myths from ancient india to the Sami people of Scandinavia.
It is a film about friendship, nature, and truth, told through a collage of experimental animation and organic visual effects.

  • Katie Lou McCabe
  • Sam Boullier
  • Katie Lou McCabe
  • Katie Lou McCabe
    Visual Effects
  • Sam Boullier
    Visual Effects
  • Project Type:
    Animation, Experimental, Short
  • Runtime:
    23 minutes 13 seconds
  • Production Budget:
    300 GBP
  • Country of Origin:
    United Kingdom
  • Country of Filming:
    United Kingdom
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography

Katie grew up in the North Yorkshire Moors and attended a Steiner School in the idyllic countryside.
For her, looking back, her childhood feels more like a fairy tale or a dream than a memory.
Art has, ever since, been her access to the dream she lived in as a child.
It is her doorway, always open if she chooses it, to walk amongst beauty, truth and magic.
Exploring colour and sound in many of it's forms including music, painting, stories, film, installations and photography, her work focuses on the balance between harmony and chaos. The cosmic order is difficult to find, because, for the most part, it does not exist. Chaos and the darkness between stars make up most of existence. But light, mandalas and snail shells prove order exists. Between dark and light is colour, between pentatonic scales and dissonance is the music of our lives. When words and analytics fail us, art allows us to wordlessly sing into the unknown.

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