Still on time
Uno scienziato dei Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, in procinto di vincere il Nobel per la Fisica, scopre di essere affetto da SLA. Decide allora di sfruttare la Teoria della Relatività nel tentativo di rallentare il suo tempo in attesa che venga trovata una cura. Lo attende una scoperta senza precedenti.
A scientist at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, close to winning the Nobel Prize in Physics, discovers he has ALS. He decides to exploit the Theory of Relativity to slow down his time while waiting for a cure to be found. An unprecedented breakthrough awaits him.
Mauro RancanWriter
Project Title (Original Language):Ancora in tempo
Project Type:Screenplay
Number of Pages:119
Country of Origin:Italy
Language:English, Italian
First-time Screenwriter:Yes
Student Project:No
Fellini Film Festival 2023
March 7, 2023
Official Selection -
Chicago Script AwardsChicago
April 2, 2023
Official Selection -
Krimson Horyzon International Film FestivalBudge Budge Kolkata, West Bengal
June 1, 2023
Phenomenal Attainment Award -
8 & Halfilm AwardsRoma
June 24, 2023
Best Feature Script -
8 & Halfilm AwardsRoma
June 24, 2023
Best European Screenwriter -
Naples Film AwardsNaples
July 12, 2023
Best European Screenwriter -
Stanley Film AwardsLondon
July 12, 2023
Best First Time Screenwriter -
Sweet Democracy Film AwardsCannes
July 12, 2023
Best European Screenwriter -
Geneva International Science in Fiction Screenplay AwardsCERN Geneva
July 14, 2023
Finalist Feature Screenplay