Salesman The Series: Pilot
The series takes place in San Antonio, Texas during the mid-nineties. After getting an eviction notice, Lenny Finklestein, a manipulative, quick-talking watch salesman accidentally becomes involved in hustling drugs with Vincent Vaquero, a dangerous criminal.
James YbarraDirector
James YbarraWriter
Amadeo RivasWriter
Colby GuilloryWriter
Colby GuilloryProducer
Sofia ChaviraProducer
Amadeo RivasKey Cast"Lenny Finklestein"
James YbarraKey Cast"Vincent Vaquero"
Joe WalkerKey Cast"Jim Henderson"
Kristin Quintanilla QuintanillaKey Cast"Leslie"
Stormy RodarteKey Cast"Ricky Soloman"
Grant VillarealKey Cast"Grant Guillory"
Raquel RivasKey Cast"Lennys Mom"
Henry RivasKey Cast"Lennys Uncle"
Jacob MarshallKey Cast"Jax"
AggyKey Cast"Mosquito"
Project Type:Television
Genres:Crime, Satire
Runtime:40 minutes
Completion Date:April 12, 2022
Production Budget:2,000 USD
Country of Origin:United States
Country of Filming:United States
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:No
Student Project:No
Alamo City StudiosSan Antonio, Texas
United States
April 14, 2022
North American Premiere
Official Selection -
City Base CinemaSan Antonio, Texas
United States
April 23, 2022
Theatrical Premiere
Official Selection
James Ybarra has been writing, directing and acting in his own short films
and plays since the age of 13, then begun assisting and mentoring other
young filmmakers. After film school, he got into the world of live event
production and specialized in lighting design and technology for almost ten
years. He has worked as a stagehand for large scale events as well as
local DIY house shows and concerts. He is involved in Indigenous Activism
and was interviewed for the Vice News series RISE: Apache Stronghold.
Recently, he has revitalized his passion for film and has dove full-force into
the production of Salesman: The Series.
San Antonio has an abundance of riveting stories and characters
that deserve to be highlighted as much as those of Los Angeles and
New York City. My perspective is that cinema has been bogged
down by corporate interests, tired tropes, and lame storytelling. A
budget is the last barrier that should hold back an artist's potential,
raw passion, perseverance and integrity. Anyone can pick up a
camera, and anyone can tell a story worth watching.