Last May, 100,000 South Americans at a BTS(K-pop superstar group)'s concert in Sao Paulo passionately sang along to the songs in Korean. In opposite parts of the world though the number is smaller, there are musicians in Korea who share a passion for Brazilian music and sing in Portugese. Now begins the story of these Korean Brazilian musicians.
Bright, joyful faces, wide, happy smiles, dancing shoulders, and jaunty steps. Right now, they are the happiest people on Earth. And the music that makes them so, is Samba. Exciting, humble, happy, or sad. Brazilian music that has many faces—Samba.
And those who play and love Samba, we call them Sambistas.
One thing Sambistas share in common is that they know how to truly love themselves.
Carlos(employee at the embassy of Brazil in Korea) said "Valtinho is a legend. In Brazil as well. He’s not just a Brazilian musician but a really great one. He’s legendary. A ‘legendary legend’. There are many soccer players, but only a very few who are great. Pelé, Garrincha, Ronaldo…
Valtinho would be in the national team if we had one.
He’s a huge deal in Brazil. It’s an honor to meet him in Korea, half way around the world.I wish he would come back. We could sing and party again. I will miss him very much."
It’s the day of the last performance. On the outskirts of the busy streets of Hongdae, we see Escola Alegria. The performance is over and sadness is in the air. Our performance has yet to be over. As if we are rooted to the ground, it is difficult to leave. Tonight is a long night for Valtinho and the sambistas. Our story will still go on. Don’t cry, Valtinho. We say to Valtinho during our short good-byes, “See you tomorrow! See you again! Soon!”
Perhaps each one of us will remember him differently. He has raised sambistas in Korea and together they have cocreated a culture. They were truly happy to have been together. How will Samba develop in the hands of Korean Sambistas?
Kihyun : I only listen to Brazilian music and I play only in Brazilian bands. I’m a Brazil otaku! There’s no real reason. It’s just that listening to Brazilian music makes me feel happy. The rhythm gives me energy. I don’t know why… Do you?
Somda : I like it. I just do. I feel better about myself when I play bossa nova. It’s the music that can best express who I am. People understand me better when I play bossa nova. I think that’s why I like it.
Denis : Brazilian music, to me, is like faith. It gives me strength.
So I often say to my audience, “Accept samba and be saved”
It’s not just a physical source of energy for me. It’s in my soul. It’s psychological.
Yeonkyung : It makes me want to be a better person. Before I started Brazilian music I did things that are not who I am. Now I feel I can be happy just being myself.
Valtinho AnastácioKey Cast
Denis KimKey Cast
Yeonkyung JungKey Cast
Dasom HeoKey Cast"Somda"
Carlos GoritoKey Cast
Project Type:Documentary
Genres:Music Documentary
Runtime:1 hour 31 minutes 57 seconds
Completion Date:October 31, 2019
Production Budget:70,000 USD
Country of Origin:Korea, Republic of
Country of Filming:Korea, Republic of
Language:English, Korean
Shooting Format:Digital
Aspect Ratio:16:9
Film Color:Color
First-time Filmmaker:Yes
Student Project:No
1. Biography
• Dept. of Digital Contents, Adjunct Professor at Konyang University
• CTS Radio, MC, Producer, Writer
• NEOARTE, Artistic director
• SUMATOSEU, Producer, Director
2. Filmography
• 2019 Short film 'I see' Producer
• 2018 Musical 'Sophy & Ruby' Director, Writer
• 2017 Opera 'Tosca' Writer
• 2017 Opera 'For Poet Yoon Dongjoo' Director, Writer
• 2016 Musical 'For' Director, Writer
• 2014-2016 Radio Drama 'Breathing', 'Welcome to Paradise' Director, Writer
• 2015 Music video 'One side love' Director, Writer
• 2010 Movie 'Encounter' Producer
• 2006-2007 Daejong Film Festival, Programer
I tried to fit myself into those standards in Korea—doing certain things at a certain age. But one day, I realized that it’s not right. So I quit. And then I met Brazilian music. I feel like my life has been heading somewhere positive ever since.