Experiencing Interruptions?

RecordAções - Memories

RecordAações - videodance created in times of quarantine. Memories of little things of everyday life become great pearls in the sameness of existence in isolation.

  • Fernanda Feminino Amaral
  • Fernanda Amaral
  • Fellipe Oliveira
  • Dança sem Fronteiras
  • Fernanda Amaral
    Key Cast
  • Luana Amaral
    Key Cast
  • Project Title (Original Language):
  • Project Type:
  • Runtime:
    2 minutes 37 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    September 22, 2020
  • Production Budget:
    200 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
Director Biography - Fernanda Feminino Amaral

Fernanda Amaral é diretora e interprete da Companhia Dança sem Fronteiras. Ao longo de mais de três décadas atua como profissional, como artista e educadora realizando trabalhos que envolvem a diversidade. Ministrou cursos e apresentou-se em diversos países da Europa, bem como nos Estados Unidos e América Latina. No Reino Unido, fundou e dirigiu a Companhia Patuá Dance, com a qual ganhou diversos prêmios e apoios públicos às artes. Em São Paulo em 2010 criou Dança sem Fronteiras, com a qual ganhou diversos editais e se apresenta na capital e interior com espetáculos de dança teatro e ações educativas.
Fernanda Amaral (choreographer, dancer and educator) founded PATUÁ DANCE in 1993 in Wales in U.K, a dance-theater company that worked with artists from different countries and the community creating dance and theater performances. With the company, she made numerous presentations at European festivals and on television in Brazil and Europe. In 2005, she founded PATUÁ DANCEABILITY working with adults and children with mixed abilities, professionally and in schools, with dancers with and without disabilities.
In 2010, Fernanda created DANÇA SEM FRONTEIRAS - DANCE WITHOUT BORDERS, the company received many awards to create new dance-theatre and develop educational programs and has performed in various theatres, Museums and public places. The company participated in the SenCity festivals at the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo, International Dance Festival at Theatre Sérgio Cardoso, among others.

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Director Statement

Acredito em uma dança para todos e com todos

I belive in a dance for all and that evryone can take parte in the arts.