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Queen of the bees (Königin der Bienen )

The story of the Grimm brothers
Two princes once went in search of adventures and led such a wild, rampant life that the houses did not appear. Her younger brother, whom everyone called a fool, set off to track down his brothers. When he found her, they started laughing at him for supposedly trying to make his way through the wide world with his simplicity, and neither of them, though smarter than him, could find their way.

So the three went on and came to the big anthill. The two elders wanted to dig it up and see the little goosebumps swirl around and their testicles waving. but the fool said, "Leave the ants alone, I won't let them bother you."

Then they went on and came to the lake, on which many, many ducks were swimming. The two elders wanted to catch and roast a few of them, but the fool didn't allow it either and said, "Leave the ducks alone!"
Finally they came to the beehive in the hollow of the tree, and there was so much honey in it that it even flowed down the trunk of the tree. The elders wanted to put out a fire under the tree and smoke all the bees with smoke, but the fool stopped them: "Leave the bees alone!"
Finally they came down the street to the castle, where there were only stone horses in the stable and there was no single living soul anywhere. They crossed all the halls and found a door at the very end of the castle with three locks on it. There was, however, a fountain on this door through which one could see what was going on in this locked room: and they saw a little gray man sitting at the table. They called him a couple of times, but he didn't hear; Finally they called him a third time and he got up from the table, unlocked all three locks and went out to them. He silently led her to a table full of dishes. and when they ate, he took each of them to a special bedroom.
The next morning a small man came to his older brother and led him to a stone table on which three tasks were inscribed, which made it possible to save the castle from being enchanted.

The first was that the queen's pearls were scattered in the forest under the moss - a thousand pieces; they all had to be found, and if at least one of them was not found at sunset, the seeker had to pay for it by turning into stone.

The eldest searched for pearls all day and just found them with a hundred pearls, and what happened was what was written on the marble top of the table - it turned to stone.

The next morning the second brother did the same; but he also looked for only two hundred pearls and was also turned into stone.

Finally it was the fool's turn and he started rummaging through the moss. but things went so slowly ... So he sat on a stone and cried ...

At that time the ant king to whom he had saved his life came, brought five thousand ants with him, and in no time they collected all the pearls into one and destroyed them in a heap.

The second task was to get the key to the bedchamber of the princes, the mistresses of this castle, from the bottom of the lake.
A fool came to the lake and saw: Ducks swimming on the lake with whom he once saved his life, ducked to the bottom and took a key.
The third task was the most difficult of all: it was the youngest and most beautiful of the three princesses who slept in the bedchamber.
But they were like two drops of water that looked alike, and you could tell them apart by eating different treats in the future dream: the oldest ate a piece of sugar, the second - a little syrup, and the youngest - a spoonful of honey.
Then the queen of bees flew in to rule the hive that the fool had saved from the cruel design of the brothers; This bee looked into the mouth of all three princesses and settled on the lips that still smelled of honey, and so the prince distinguished the youngest queen from her sisters.

When this third task was solved, the magic dissipated, everyone in the castle awoke from a deep sleep and all fossils regained their former human image.
The little fool married the youngest and most beautiful of the queens and became king of this country after the death of her father. and two of his brothers had two older sisters as wives.

  • Konstantin Mosencov
  • Paul Mosencov
  • Paul Mosencov
  • Konstantin Mosencov
    Computer backgrounds
  • Konstantin Mosencov
    Special effects
  • Konstantin Mosencov
    Chief decorator
  • Project Title (Original Language):
    Königin der Bienen
  • Project Type:
    Animation, Experimental, Feature, Student, Television, Virtual Reality, Web / New Media
  • Runtime:
    10 minutes 14 seconds
  • Completion Date:
    December 28, 2019
  • Production Budget:
    5,223 USD
  • Country of Origin:
  • Country of Filming:
    Denmark, Germany, Russian Federation
  • Language:
  • Shooting Format:
  • Aspect Ratio:
  • Film Color:
  • First-time Filmmaker:
  • Student Project:
  • The Lift-Off Sessions
    Iver, England SL0 0NH
    United Kingdom
    January 2, 2020
    Official Selection
  • First-Time Filmmaker Sessions
    Iver, England SL0 0NH
    United Kingdom
    January 8, 2020
    Official Selection
Distribution Information
  • Fantasy Production UK
    Country: United Kingdom
    Rights: All Rights
Director Biography - Konstantin Mosencov

He is born in 2001 . For 4 years he has been working in genres: feature film, documentary, animation in 3D, panoramic animation, documentary animation.
Director , writer , producer . Winner of 110 awards at international festivals

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Director Statement

In this tale of the Brothers Grimm, we would like once again to address the eternal theme of good and evil and the fact that past good influences our future