Private Project

One In A Trillion - Gasping For Air

Futuristic teenager saves an Arc from certain destruction with her new found passion for sign language.

  • Marven Likness
  • Project Type:
    Screenplay, Short Script, Television Script
  • Number of Pages:
  • Country of Origin:
  • Language:
  • First-time Screenwriter:
  • Student Project:
Writer Biography - Marven Likness

Hi my name is Marven Likness.
I have been obsessed with writing stories about a journey to another world.
My wife asked me one day why I was so drawn to right these stories. Honestly at the time I did not know why. After thinking about it for a while I cam to a conclusion. These stories can say a lot about what I have been going through for a few years. I might even be able to share some Deaf culture I have learned along the way.
Thank you

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Writer Statement

People generally do not work towards a goal until they can see that there is a need or value for their time and effort to reach that goal. Sometimes by the time they recognize the need it is too late to be your best at it. Recently I have found the need, value and joy of sign language. I may not be good at it yet but the journey to learn is amazing.